Chapter 2: Reunion

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Okay so here's the next chapter. Just a side note, you may wanna get some tissues because this is gonna be a very emotional chapter. Enjoy.


**O'Conner Residence, Dominican Republic***

In his room, 8-year-old Jack O'Conner was playing on the floor,  which was laden with LEGOs when his father, Brian O'Conner walks in.

"Hey, you hungry, Jack?" He said kneeling down

"Yeah, Daddy, I am," Jack replied dropping his LEGOs.

"Well let's go, buddy. Momma's got lunch ready for us downstairs." So Brian picked up his son and headed downstairs. As they reached the end of the

[DING-DONG], the doorbell rang.

"All right, buddy, go help momma in the kitchen. I gotta answer the door." Brian said setting his son down and pointing him towards the kitchen, to which the boy ran.

As the young O'Conner left to go help his mother, his father headed towards the door. When he opened the door, his face lit up instantly.

"Letty!" He said pulling his sister-in-law into a hug.

"Hey, Brian," She said returning the hug.

"Hey what about me?" Another voice said, "Don't I mean anything?"

Brian knew that voice anywhere. He looked up to see Roman, Tej and the rest of the team walking towards them.

"ROME!" Brian said letting go of Letty and running to his two best friends. He snaked his arms around their necks and held on, to which the two hugged him back.

"Good to see ya, Rome." Brain said releasing from the hug initiated a bro shake.

"Right back at ya, bro," Roman replied.

"What up, O'Conner?" Tej said

"Not much, Tej. It's great to see you guys."

Walking up, Hobbs held out his hand for Brian to shake,"Good to see you, Brian."

"Thanks, Hobbs," Brian replied, accepting Hobb's handshake,"It's good to see you too."

Then, Ramsey walked up with a smile on her face and her arms open wide,"Good to see you again, Brian." She said.

"You too, Ramsey."

A few feet away, a black van's door opened and out of it walked Mr. Nobody and Little Nobody. "Brian O'Conner, how's the domestic life treatin' ya?"

"It's not bad, who's the new guy?"

"That's my new right-hand man/assistant, Eric Reisner. But Roman calls him Little Nobody, and it's starting to stick," At hearing this, Reisner just shook his head.

"Anyway come on in, guys," Brian said, inviting his family in, "We were about to have lunch."

"Thanks, Brian, but we've got one more guy with us if that's ok." Mr. Nobody said.

"Sure, the more the merrier."

After he said that, the back doors of the van opened, and out walked none other than Deckard Shaw. Suddenly, Brian's eyes became filled with red. He ran towards Shaw and punched square on the jaw. Before he could throw another one, Roman and Tej held him back.

"Easy, Brian!"Roman said, trying to calm his friend down, "He's with us."

"What?!" Brian asked in a both confused and disgusted tone.

"As much as I hate to say it, he is with us," Tej said, "Temporarily."

"Why?" Brain asked.

"That, Mr. O'Conner, is why we're here," Reisner said, "Why don't we go inside so we can talk about it."

Brian, done trying to lunge toward Shaw, looked at him as he wiped the blood from his lip. He definitely wasn't too happy that Shaw was still walking, especially after everything he'd put the team through. But since his friends said that it was important, he reluctantly accepted.

***O'Conner Residence, Living Room***

The team had come inside the house and sat down in the living room. Roman, Tej, and Ramsey took the couch, Hobbs sat on an ottoman, Mr. Nobody sat in a nice white cloth chair, while Little Nobody and Deckard remained standing.

"So what's this about, guys?" Brian asked looking at Shaw, "And why's he with you and not in prison?"

"Well, fortunately," Mr. Nobody started, "We can answer both of those questions with three simple words. Dom's gone rogue."

Brian's eyebrows furrowed at hearing this,"What're you talking about?"

"A few days ago, we were on a job in Berlin to get an EMP," Hobbs explained, "While we were escaping Dom crashed me into a fence and stole that EMP, and he's been missing ever since.

Brian's eye's widened at hearing this. He couldn't believe this. Dom would never go rogue, family was the most important thing to him. "That's bullsh**, Dom wouldn't do that," Brian stated.

"Unfortunately, it is true Brian," Nobody said, " And not only that but he's also working with a cyberterrorist.

"So Dom's gone and he's got an EMP," Brian said, still confused.

Yup," Hobbs replied, "And we've all made the top ten on Interpol's Most Wanted List. Except for Roman."

After that, the whole room busted out in laughter, except for Roman. "Really Hobbs? You gonna do me like that here, now?"

"Oh come on, Roman. We all know this is because you missed the cut." Tej said teasing his friend.

"What number did he come in at?" Brian asked, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Number 11," Tej answered letting laugh. Brian continued to laugh, as did everyone else. Until of course, Little Nobody cleared his throat and ruined the mood. "Anyway, back on planet Earth, we still have a problem," He said, resulting in everyone to stop their laughter.

"What's rules here talking about?" Brian asked.

"Basically, the cyberterrorist Dom's working with is bent on world domination and we need to find him," Ramsey explained.

"What about God's Eye?"

"That's what we did, but they infiltrated our new base and took it with them. So now we're at a loss."

"Well in that case, I'm in," Brian stated.

"No Brian," Letty blurted, "We just need to know how you found me and Dom when you first met us."

"I was a cop then, Letty. We found you by watching you for four months when you were hijacking trucks. But we don't have that long, we need to find Dom now."

"He's right!" A voice said. Everyone looked to the doorway of the living room to see Mia Toretto holding a baby girl in her arms.

"You need to find Dom and bring him home." she said walking over to Brian's and standing behind it. "And you're gonna need all the help you can get."

"Well, Brain, the choice is yours." Mr. Nobody said.

"Ya know, I remember Dom once told me somethin'. 'You never turn your back on family, even if they do.' So that's not what I'm gonna do. I'm in." He said with a grin. "Ride Or Die."

This was an emotional chapter to make because the feeling of Brian and Paul coming back to the franchise just gives me a lump in my throat. And Brian and Mia had their daughter! I don't know what to name her so I'm open to suggestions from you guys. Hold onto your joysticks, the team's gonna hit the Toy Shop in the next chapter. See you then.

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