Post Credit Scene

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Ok people, this is it. THE LAST PIECE OF THE STORY, THE POST CREDITS SCENE! Just imagine that the credits are finished and this rolls up ok? Also, this is gonna be through a camera viewpoint, so most of the words will be italicized. Italicized = Camera POV, Regular Letters = Regular POV. Got it? Ok, here we go.


***Miami Beach, One Year Later(Camera POV)***

"We're here in beautiful Miami!" Samantha Hobbs said as she filmed herself walking towards the water.

The screen cuts to a young brunette (Selena Gomez) walking out of the water. "And there she is, folks. Brenda Wilson, my best friend in the whole wide world!"

"Are you filming this?" Brenda asked as she tried to cover the camera with her hand. But Samantha pulled it away and put it into a selfie position.

"Oh come on, relax. How do you feel?"

"Like I need to dry off," Brenda said before rushing to get her towel.

The camera cut to Brenda running to their lawn chairs and grabbing her towel and drying herself off. As she turns around, she smiles at the sight of her friend coming closer.

" Let's take a picture."

"Why?" Brenda asked

"I wanna send some to my Dad," Samantha begged.

"Fine, two pictures, and that's it."

Jumping up and down, Samantha got closer to her and the two took a selfie the screen flickered and showed a picture of the two friends with their arms on the other's shoulder.

(Regular POV)

"Ok, that's one," Brenda said.

"Yeah I know, one more. Oh, excuse me!" Samantha called out to a passing blonde wearing sunglasses, "Could you take a picture of me and my friend?"

"Sure," The blonde replied taking the phone. "Ready?"

The two girls nodded as they hugged each other while looking at the camera.

"Got it."

The blonde walked back to the girls and handed the phone back to Samantha.

"Thank you," She said taking the phone back.

"You're Samantha Hobbs, right?" The blonde asked.

Samantha scrunched her eyebrows and looked up,"Yeah, how do you know that?"

The blonde took off her sunglasses to reveal herself as Cipher. (A/N: Samantha doesn't know what Cipher looks like.)

"I know your father, Luke. He's an old friend." Cipher said, "And you two are gonna help me get in contact with him and his crew."

Before the girls could respond, a buff man(Liev Schreiber) came up behind them and grabbed them by the arms. Cipher gave him a nod and he walked off with the girls.

"Your move, Dom," Cipher said as she smiled smugly and put her sunglasses back and walked off.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAH! Cliffhanger! I'm sorry, I hate suspense. But I wanted to give you guys something that would make you want more. And plus I wasn't ready for Cipher to go just yet, she was a great villain. Also, Selena Gomez is in here because thanks to a certain guest, Justin Bieber will be in my next story as Selena's love interest. And after careful thought, I've decided that my next story will be called, Fast 9: Going The Extra Mile. It will star the original cast, including Brian. Also, Angelina Jolie will be in there as a love interest for Hobbs. Their both tough and can fight so, why not. But that's it for this story, hope you guys liked it. I'll be starting the new story by the end of the week. So in the words of Sam L. Jackson," Hold on to your butts!"

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