Chapter 5: Anything For Family

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So this chapter starts when the team is back at the base, plus there will be an added scene where Brian calls Mia, similar to the scenes in Fast & Furious and Furious 7. I figured it would be good for you readers to see another tender Brian and Mia scene. Enjoy!

***The Toy Shop***

The team sat around contemplating the events that just happened. Brian had walked over to them from getting patched up. Even though he got shot, he just got grazed.

"You a'ight, man?" Roman asked him.

"Yeah, I'm good," Brian replied, "It's just a flesh wound."

The team stayed quiet until Little Nobody walked in.

"Anything?" Hobbs asked.

"They're gone," He replied, shaking his head, "And DOD(Department of Defense) confirmed it was a nuclear football. He's got an EMP and nuclear launch codes. I don't know what it is, but they're building towards something."

"And Deckard?"

There was a silence before Little Nobody answered,"He didn't make it."

The whole team was shocked. They never thought they would feel bad about losing their former enemy-turned-ally. Hobbs got up and paced about, right before he let out a shout of anger. As he did, he punched a wall and walked off, leaving a huge dent in it. The rest of the team looked up in surprise as Hobbs walked off. They stayed quiet for a while until Brian walked off and decided to call Mia.

***Cipher's Untraceable Plane***

Dom walked towards Elena's cell in hopes of finally getting her and leaving.

"I'm disappointed in you, Dom," He heard Cipher say through the intercom, "When push came to shove, you were gonna let Letty walk away with the codes."

"You got the codes!" Dom retorted.

"Rhodes got the codes," she said correcting him.

"Yeah after I did all the hard work, all he did was hold a gun up to my wife's head. I had to hurt my team, including my brother-in-law. Y'know how hard that was for me to do?"

"Seemed pretty easy to me, but nonetheless you made a choice to let Letty go. And now I have to make one of my own."

Cipher emerged from the darkness of the cell holding little Marcos. When the lights in the cell came on, Dom could see Elena tied to a chair and her mouth duct-taped, and Rhodes standing beside her.

"They are adorable, aren't they?" Cipher said taunting him, "God, I hope I don't hurt him."

When she said that, Dom looked up from Marcos to Cipher with the look of a killer in his eyes."Look, psychotic, I did everything you asked me to do," He said with annoyance and anger in his voice, "Don't do this."

"This is your doing."

"MY DOING?!" Dom screamed unbelievingly. He was about to say something else when he heard his son babble 'Da Da'. He was so entranced by his son's innocence that he almost cried. "Please don't hurt him, I'm begging you."

"I don't want you to beg! I want you to learn."


"I understand why you did what did, I really do." She said. "But it was the wrong choice, this is the consequence of that."

After she said that, Rhodes pulled out a gun and cocked it. Dom could hear her pleading for mercy through the tape.

"Wait, wait, wait," Dom said trying to reason with them, but then he saw Rhodes point the gun at Elena. "No, DON'T!"

Then the gun went off. The sounds made little Marcos start to cry. And all Dom could do was watch as he saw his ex-girlfriend/friend die, but also as he felt a part of himself go.

***The Toy Shop***

Brian pulled out his phone and pressed the Caller ID button for Mia.

***O'Conner Residence, Los Angelos***

Mia sat in the living room watching as Little Jack and her and Brian's daughter, Daisy Giselle Toretto O'Conner. She looked away from her children and to the TV as a breaking news report on a vehicular war going on in New York.

"Dom," she whispered, knowing that it was talking about her brother and her family. She kept on watching until her phone rang. When she saw it was Brian, she immediately flipped the answer button.

"Brian! Baby are you ok?" she said

"Hey Mia," He replied, "Yeah I'm okay, but we all took a hit."

"Yeah I just saw the news, it said he hit a motorcade in New York and stole a football, is that true?"

"Um... Yeah, it's true. Dom's definitely gone rogue."

"Brian whatever it takes, you guys catch Dom and bring him home."

"I will," He promised, "How's Jack and little Daisy?"

"(chuckle) I'm watching them right now. They're playing right in front me," She said with a chuckle. "They miss you."

"Don't worry I'll be home soon. We'll be having one of those family barbeques with the whole team again."

"I'll be looking forward to it."

"Alright, I gotta go, but I'll call ya later, okay?"

"Okay, I love you, Brian."

"Love you too, Mia. Oh, and uh, kiss Jack and Daisy for me."

"I will, bye Brian."

"Bye, Mia," she heard him say before hanging up.

***The Toy Shop***

Brian hung up and walked back over to the team.

"Can you pull up the footage from that guy in the alley?" He heard Letty ask Tej and Ramsey.

"Traffic Cams," Ramsey said to Tej.

"I gotchu," He replied knowingly. He pulled up his laptop and hacked into the city's security feed. When he was done, a picture of Rhodes showed up on the big screen.

"I knew it," Letty said getting up.

"What you know this guy?" Brian asked pointing to the picture on the screen.

"Yeah, that's Conner Rhodes. I met him when I was working with Shaw's brother," Letty explained, "He wanted us to get the Nightshade device for him."

"Conner Rhodes," Ramsey said as she researched the guy. "He's also linked to someone I'd quite like to forget."

On the screen was the man who had kidnapped her back in 2014. "It's Mose Jakande," Hobbs stated walking over to the group, " The warlord who tried to get God's Eye."

"Which means that's twice that Dom's messed up Cipher's business," Tej added.

"Which means that this is a revenge story against Dom," Brian said furthering their points. The team stayed quiet as they thought about the new information they just found out.

I literally made that Brian/Mia scene up as I was writing this, it was completely spur-of-the-moment. I know I said I was taking suggestions on the name of Brian and Mia's daughter, but I named her Daisy as a reference to Paul's daughter Meadow. I think they would've liked that. But let me know what you guys think. Love you guys, and see you l8ter.

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