Chapter 6: There Are No Rules

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Alright so since this scene was really short, I wasn't really sure if it was necessary to write. But then I thought, 'Hey, anything for Paul', right? So hope you guys enjoy even though this is really short.

***The Toy Shop***

The team was working still trying to find Cipher and fortunately, they were having a bit more success.

"The problem we have with tracking Cipher is there's nothing to trace. Now we have Rhodes' information," Ramsey said typing away.

"And we're getting snapshots of his data before it's scrubbed off the net," Tej added.

While searching through the data, a few more things came up.

"That looks like somebody's bank accounts," Roman said pointing at one of the squares that had numbers, "So why don't we just-"

"It's a longitude," Hobbs said, cutting him off, "Given the fact that Dom hit the Russian Motorcade safe to say it's Russia, go ahead and bring up the map."

To which Tej did. Pretty soon a map of Russia came up with a few location pins. "Great, let's start here and run the possibilities.Yalta, Poltava.

"Yalta, Poltava," Tej said naming off a few locations, "Looks like they just threw letters together."

"Kinda like a crossword puzzle," Brian added.

"Yeah, look at that one, Konyert."

"It's Vladovin," a voice said correcting them. All heads turned and looked up to see Mr. Nobody walking down a set of stairs.

All heads turned and looked up to see Mr. Nobody walking down a set of stairs.

"What're you doing here?" Little Nobody asked.

"Told you I was gonna check in on you from time to time to see you how you're doing," Mr. Nobody replied, "By the way, not so hot."

But there's nothing in Vladovin," Ramsey said, "It's just ice.

That's funny. Could've sworn there was a secret Russian naval base where they retrofitted cold war Submarines. Well, technically, it's not Russian anymore. The base was taken by a terror group of military separatists about a month ago, and the Russians haven't taken it back yet," Mr. Nobody explained, "So there is a little window of opportunity here."

"Russian submarines, nuclear football, it sounds like everything we do our legs gonna be blown off," Roman said in a somewhat worried voice.

"It sounds like you're still Number 11 on the list," Tej said teasing his friend.

"It sounds like you've changed since you lil' punk a** facial hairs done came in," Roman retorted. Tej chuckled at that and rubbed his chin, feeling his newly grown beard.

"Aww come on, Rome. We both know that you're just jealous that you can't grow any hair on your face except for the little peach fuzz on the top of your lip," Brian said pinching his friend's chin.

"Oh, you're really funny, Brian," Roman said sarcastically.

"Guys... guys. Hey, we gotta call this in all the way up the chain," Little Nobody said trying to get them back on track.

"That's good thinking champ. Except... unfortunately the Russian Minister of Defense. Got himself involved in a little incident on US territory and two governments aren't talking to each other for a while. By the time they do, it will be too late," Mr. Nobody explained, "So, any other suggestions?"

"Yeah, I got one," Hobbs said, "How about we just stop them ourselves?"

"You're talking about a Russian Naval Base-" Little Nobody said, but Mr. Nobody cut him off.


"Whatever, it's suicide."

"It's stopping World War 3," Hobbs retorted, "What's it gonna be rook? You gonna close your eyes on this one too? Pray that the apocalypse doesn't come knocking on your mama's front door? Or are you're gonna saddle up, be a man and save the entire goddamn world."

After hearing that, Little Nobody smirked and picked up a crowbar, "You know what? I think I figured it out," He said.

"What's that?" Mr. Nobody asked.

"Rule number three."

"Which is?"

"There are no rules," He said taking the crowbar and braking a glass cabinet full of car keys. Both Hobbs and Mr. Nobody laughed with joy, happy that the newbie finally understood that you don't always do every single thing by the book.

"Look who finally put on the big boy panties." Brian said smiling.

"What'd I tell ya, Luke? I knew he'd get it in three." Mr. Nobody said smiling.

"Aerial transport leaves in an hour. Take whatever vehicle you want, all bets are off."

"ALL BETS ARE OFF?" Brian, Tej, and Roman said, jumping out of their chairs. This meant that they could get their dream vehicles. Brian got his Nissan GT-R, Tej got his tank, and Roman got his Lambo.

"Do Svidaniya(Good Bye)," Mr. Nobody said bidding them farewell.

For those of you who think that Brian was in on Dom and Deckard's plan, I wanna take this time to say that it's not true. Brian doesn't know anything about it. So I hope that clears up a few things. Well that's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it and trust me, there will be more coming. L8ter.

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