Ch 17. - Warmth

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To say that I had a bad couple of days was such an understatement. I had the worst day in the history of bad days.

Henry and I had locked up Gentry's apartment and made our way back to New York in a new location set up for us by Gentry. He claimed that we'd be safe there. 

We took a taxi to the location and we were told to not tell anyone about what was going on nor where we were. 

Apparently my boss had been notified by the President himself, that I was an in house press guest for a while. Mr. Fabel was quite content with me.

We pulled up to the gates of the home where we'd be staying for the next few weeks until Ophelia was caught. 

The gates could only be accessed with a specific pin number. 8573.

As the gates opened, they revealed a lovely cottage style home. It was cute and quaint yet seemed spacious. 

I smiled at Henry as he observed the area with wide eyes.

"This is beautiful." I nodded in agreement and we got out of the taxi. We gathered our items and walked up to the house.

Henry laughed for a moment and I raised a questioning eyebrow, "What are you laughing about?" He just nodded his head and proceeded to unlock the door.

My eyes darted in every direction as the door opened to reveal an absolutely perfect home.

The interior design of it all was brilliant and had a welcoming sense to it. I could tell Henry was as in awe as I was. 

He intertwined our fingers, "Come on." In this moment, something inside of me sparked.

I felt as if in this moment every awful thing I had experienced was fading away. I felt as if Henry was enough to fulfill my life in it's own.

I've known him for two years but, never considered more. These past few days have changed so many things though and, they've made me realize life is so short and can end in a single moment. 

We walked through the house, admiring every detail that it contained.

Hardwood floors encased the entire home with wood panel walls that created overwhelming warmth.

A chandelier hung in the main living room, the crystals reflected every fleck of light that came across it making it eloquent.

The backyard was beautifully landscaped as well.

I could see a fountain streaming lightly surrounded by a pond of coyfish.

Willow trees dresses the entirety of the year making it seem like a forest on its own.

It was everything I could ever want in a home.

We ate our lunch and spent the day talking about our lives and goals and dreams for the futute.

"Tania, I know want to be like a journalist and such but what it your ultimate goal?"

I pondered for a moment because that's a question that had always been difficult for me to answer

"Really I just want to a tell the truth and give those who don't have a voice a chance to use mine."

He smiled, "I like that."

"What's your goal?" Henry furrowed his eyebrows.

"I've never known. I always just kind of go with the flow in life but, lately I've really thought about it and I think I would love to be a computer analyst agent."

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