JANUARY 16 2017: Yvette Claxton
With the events of yesterday still lingering in my mind, I couldn't help but think about Olina.
Olina. It'd been such a long time since her name had been mentioned.
I know I should hate her for causing my family such anguish but, she's my sister.
I don't know what she went through in life, I don't know how she possibly could've been raised.
What if she was abused? I wasn't there to stop it. I had to speak with her myself.
I walked downstairs to grab a cup of coffee while various thoughts brewed in my mind.
"Goodmorning." Gentry was leaning casually against the counter top.
He had a cup of coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other. I cleared my throat, realizing I had stared at him for too long.
"Goodmorning Gentry. How are you?" I continued to my path to the coffee pot picking up a copper mug that sat next to it.
"I'm good. How are you feeling?" I lifted my shoulders and shrugged "I'm not sure anymore."
He came over to me and set down his coffee mug, "You have a deep set thoughts expression on your face, what's going on in that mind of yours?"
I took a sip of coffee and turned to face him, "Get me in contact with Henry."
Gentry raised an eyebrow, "May I ask, why?" I chewed on my lip nervously collecting my thoughts.
"He can get me in contact with my sister, if it is her." Gentry nearly choked on his bagel.
"I can't let you do that Yvette." I rolled my eyes, "If she wanted to hurt anyone physically, she would've done it already."
Gentry rubbed a hand over his forehead. Clearly he was frustrated with my decision.
"Fine." He let out a long sigh afterwards and walked outside, coffee and bagel in hand.
I smiled and thanked him silently.
I was startled by someone clearing their throat...Andrew.
"Goodmorning." He sounded as if he hadn't gotten a blink of sleep.
"Goodmorning." I turned to walk away but instead he pulled me back by my arm.
"Yvette, we need to talk...please." I nodded my head and we walked over to the living room.
I sat down on the couch farthest from him, not wanting to be close enough for physical contact.
"Andrew I-" He raised a hand, "Please. Yvette, I'm sorry."
My tears instantly watered. "I-I, I'm sorry too."
A single tear streamed from his eye. "Yvette, I know we're going through a rough patch but, I don't want to lose you."
I nodded and waited for him to continue.
"Yvette, you are my best friend, the person who keeps me sane. You gave me the greatest gift of life, our two daughters."
Andrew began to run out of breath. I moved in closer and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I won't leave you. We're married for better or for worse but, we'll need to work a lot to ever be okay."
Andrew nodded, "I understand."
Andrew pulled me in for a warm embrace, when Gentry burst through the door.
"WE HAVE COMMUNICATION FROM OPHELIA. She's asking to speak to Yvette."
I nodded and followed Gentry to the phone area the FBI had set up.

A Presidential Affair
RomancePresident Andrew Claxton's reputation as a loving family man is turned upside down when his secret is exposed. This isn't the kind of spotlight he'd want...Read A Presidential Affair to join the audience, captivated by the greatest affair of this e...