Dear daddy
Help me please!i know you can't but I can't contain the pain anymore. Mum is on drugs. She's always drinking. She kicks,hits throw stuff at me. She hurts me. She always come home from the pub stinking like alcohol. She brings guys home each night making out on the couch. Every time I bring it up to her about how I don't like waking up going downstairs stairs seeing two naked people making out on the couch. She sleeps with guys and girls. I want to see my uncles but I can't. Shouldn't a child have a say on who they want to live with. They want children to feel safe yet I don't feel safe. My safe spot is at my uncles house. They give me food, they let me dress in nice clothes, I'm allowed on my phone most of the time. Yes there is rules there but they treat me like I belong. I feel safe. Sometimes people want people in their life that doesn't care about what they do. But honestly it's not a nice feeling knowing that your own mother now hates you. She knew to love me before you left but now she hates me. What happen daddy? School isn't safe for me. I want to see my uncles right now. I can't handle this anymore. I go to your grave every day on my way home from school. I cry knowing your not here. I get called freak,ugly,loser. I get bashed up at school. What's the point of living I go home I get bashed I go to school I get bashed. I can't handle it daddy. I'm coming to youLove savanna:(