Ch. 18 ~ The Thrill Of The Chase

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      Dylan's lungs were already burning, and his body ached in places he didn't realize he had, but he had escaped with his life. For now. He slowly realized that his life could've ended right then and there if it weren't for Ayako. He owed her his life.

      She didn't let up, her legs pumping much faster than Dylans, and he stumbled along behind her, desperately trying to keep up. If he fell behind, it would probably cost both his and Ayako's lives.

      "Quick," Her voice came out in a quite hiss of air, and he almost missed it over the rushing of his own blood in his ears. "This way, it's safer,"

      She pulled him down a side alley, through a network of shorter walkways, almost brushing against the bricks in the tight area. He crashed shoulders with a shocked looking chef who was smoking in the alley on his break from his shift at the Chinese takeaway.

     Dylan's feet caught on the path and he stumbled, barely catching himself and forcing himself forward. He daren't look back, terrified of who or what he might see chasing. Would it be Rio? The other guy? Or some monster of a ghoul he didn't even recognise anymore?

     Eventually, they broke into a small, square area, and Ayako slowed, and leaned forward on her knees, chest heaving with her breaths. Dylan's legs shook like there was nothing but jelly under the skin, and he fell back against the wall, gasping for breath. He never had been the athletic type.

    "I-I think we can rest," Ayako gasped out, slowly straightening up and stretching out her back and legs, both of which were obviously sore. Dylan remained against the wall, somewhat panicked that his breath didn't seem to be stabilizing. But then again, he had just ran through god knows how far of an alley maze at break-neck speed, when he scarcely like to run for the bus. "It's safer here,"

     Not a second later than Ayako had said that, the steady echo of footsteps reached the squared off area between the red brick walls. Both of them froze as the echoes became louder and louder.

    "I thought you said it was safe," Dylan hissed through heaving breaths. Though he didn't mean to sound so harsh, considering the circumstances, it was excusable, he decided bitterly.

     "No, I said we were safer, not safe," Ayako hissed back, and both moved to press up against the wall, in the hopes of hiding from whoever was creating the footsteps. Dylan clamped a hand over his face to try and muffle his panting, and Ayako gripped his arm tightly, barely daring to move.

      From where they had emerged, came the other ghoul who had been with Rio. His chest rose and fell with his breaths, but he made the running seem seamless. He came to a halt effortlessly, his head whipping towards Ayako and Dylan pressed against the brick wall, and a sick smile curved on his lips. Rio was, however, no where to be seen.

      "I want you dead," Lane hissed, raising a singular digit, pointing directly at Dylan, who would've shrunk back further if the bricks weren't already biting painfully into his spine. "Even if I have to start a war,"

     "This isn't going to be a war. It's going to be a massacre," Dylan cried, hand clenching into fists as he leered off the wall, a sudden courage surging up inside him. Perhaps he wasn't the strongest, or the bravest, or the handiest with his fists. But he'd damn sure try to knock some sense into him, even if it was with nothing but words.

     "I promise you won't survive this," Lane hummed, a deep, low chuckle rumbled from his chest like thunder, leaving all awaiting the crash and strike of lightning. Every inch of Dylan was tensed like a coiled spring, he was completely on edge, completely aware. He'd never felt so alive.

      "Run," Ayako hissed under her breath, her hands resting on the back of his shoulders where she was hidden behind him.

    "No, I'm not leaving you defenceless," He replied over his shoulder, fists curling tightly, nails chewing into his own palms, leaving stark white crescent moon shapes. Even so, the pull to run was strong, and deep inside, he knew he wanted nothing more than to get out of there.

     "I can take care of myself, now go," Ayako hissed and gave him a sharp shove from behind, propelling him towards the exit. "I'll meet with you soon, it'll be fine, now go!"

      It felt like a pile of rocks had settled on his chest as he ran for his life, down the alley. No footsteps followed. His self-preservation instinct had won out. Perhaps it was natural. If it was fight or flight, there was no question Dylan was the kind of person to chose flight any time. He was only human, after all, he just wanted to survive.

      So why did he feel like such a rotten coward?


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