Ch. 20 ~ Realization

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     The next day, Dylan didn't go to the Cat's Cradle sweets parlour. Upon leaving his school and eventually escaping his friend Hide who had caught him just outside the doors, he went straight home. He didn't sit at the glossy table just inside the door, and didn't watch Ayako flit around the café, and didn't let his eyes search for a shock of pastel blue.

     He went home, and threw himself onto his bed, staring up at the grey ceiling for the longest time, chest slowly rising and falling. He had the whole house to himself, his sister was out at one of her art clubs, and his mother was out visiting some relatives Dylan had seen probably only once or twice in his life.

      Then three raps sounded on the door, and Dylan let out a huff and pushed himself up, trudging out of his room, down the stairs, and leaning in close to peer through the peephole. To his surprise, who he saw was familiar, though he had never expected to see her here, and he swung the door open. He grimaced when the handle smacked back against the wall.

     "Ayako," Dylan felt his face stretch into a smile. He was glad to see she was alright. "Come in,"

     Ayako nodded politely and returned a smile of her own, stepping inside and kicking her trainers off just inside the door. Dylan made his way to the living room, and dropped down onto the couch, and Ayako curled up in the spot next to him, letting out a slow, relieved breath.

      "I'm glad you're alright," She smiled and tucked some hair behind her ear. "I was worried when you weren't at the sweets parlour today, I thought something might have happened to you,"

     "I'm alright, but what about you?" Dylan asked, blinking his wide eyes as he began to notice the scrapes and cuts on her body, a few bandages and plasters layered over her sun-kissed skin.

    "It's fine, I'll heal soon, anyway," She smiled faintly and shook her head, "I'm fine."

     There was a long moment of silence, the quiet wrapping around the room like a snow blanket, muffling everything else and letting Dylan's memories come flooding back, and he felt a sick, sour taste gathering on his tongue, and his stomach clenched.

     "I can't believe she did that..." Dylan murmured after a moment, and Ayako's eyes darted back to him. It didn't take a genius to work out what he was talking about.

    "I can," She hummed grimly, her face set in hard lines.

     "What do you mean?" Asked Dylan, his voice dropped low and uncertain, Olive eyes wide and scared. He was still in shock, there was no doubt about that. He'd spent the whole day in school walking around like a zombie.

     "Perhaps what I'm about to say isn't going to come as a great comfort to you, but it's important, Dylan," Ayako said carefully, and took a moment to lick over her lips and think for a moment, before her eyes connected sternly with Dylan's. "She is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change it's nature,"

      The only sound Dylan could hear was his own unsteady breathing, as the notion swirled in his head. He could find no faults. It was true, and he wondered why the realization was only really hitting him now. He'd seen her in action, first hand, the spear being used for what it really was, but yet he still tried to call it a walking stick. Rio was a ghoul, yet he still tried to call her a human.

     "I was fooled by her..." Dylan's voice was quiet and sad. He seemed fragile.

     "There's no shame in it, Dylan... She's far more cunning than any of us will ever truly know..." Ayako said gently, torn between resting her hand on his shoulder, or simply watching.

    "I can't believe I've been so oblivious to her true nature... God, why am I so stupid?" Dylan hissed to himself, digging a hand deep into his chocolate coloured hair and balling a handful up in a fist. Ayako took a moment to decide if she should speak her next words.

     "Is it... Really her true nature, or is it just the side she allows you to see?"

     Dylan wasn't sure he wanted to think anymore, his head hurt and something deep in his chest ached. Ayako lifted the sleeve of her hoodie and peeked at the silver wrist hanging on her slim wrist.

    "I need to leave," Ayako sighed, and pulled herself back up the feet, and Dylan watched as she did so. "We'll meet up at anteiku again soon, right?"

     "Uh, sure," Dylan nodded and just watched as Ayako swiped a pen from the coffee table and scrawled the digits of her phone number across his arm.

     "Text me," She grinned, and Dylan gave a faint smile in reply. He was rooted to the spot when Ayako leaned down and brushed her lips over his cheek for a moment, in a sweet, chaste kiss, before she gave a playful wave, and let herself out.

      Dylan sat perfectly still for a minute or so, before his face became completely flushed with red.


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