Ch. 22 ~ Ghoul Have Feelings Too [P2]

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      "She's a predator posing as a house pet."

      "Is that so?" Rio quirked up an eyebrow and bit back the laughter that uncharacteristically wanted to bubble up her throat. Maybe Ayako was a house pet, perhaps a kitten or particularly fluffy lap-dog, but a predator, Rio decided, Ayako was not.

     "It is," Lane insisted, picking his beer back up and taking another gulp or two while Rio let out a snort before her face settled back into neutrality. "So, tell me about him, then,"

     "What?" Rio hummed, casting him a sharp look, before glancing away and picking up her beer bottle, taking small sips, simply to busy herself.

     "Tell me about Dylan- that's his name, right?- since he's changed you so much," Lane shuffled slightly and propped himself so he was more comfortable, half sprawled on the carpet, half-propped up. Rio guessed he was going to be there, waiting for her to answer, however long it took.

     "I've come to know that it takes exactly one day for everything you've ever known to fall apart. I've also come to know that the reason everything changed... was him," Rio heaved out a long sigh as she finally admitted what she had been trying so desperately to ignore and shun.

      "And what are you going to do about that change?" Lane prompted, watching Rio carefully as she ran a hand through her hair and pushed it back from her face.

     For a while, everything was silent, and Lane waited. Rio's mind worked slowly, struggling to draw any conclusions, unable to prove anything to herself, unable to accept anything. Ideas and thoughts were hard to come by, but as they came to her, she began trying to string them together.

    "God... Everything was so simple when humans were nothing more than just food... When all I had to worry about was hunting, eating and staying alive... I didn't have to worry about feeling so conflicted, or emotions for humans... But it's different now, I've changed. Do you have any idea how hard it is to look down at someone, knowing that there's something behind that person that will just disappear when we try and scoff them down as a snack?" Rio huffed her words out quickly, hands massaging at her forehead, trying to coax away the stress. "... Everything seems so complicated, and for once... I feel human..."

      Her words hung in the air, and through the silence, Rio's harsh swallow was clearly audible.

     "That little speech was real nice, really highlights your change," Lane snorted in mocking, crinkling his nose. "You know, you almost had me fooled into thinking you were human,"

     "I almost fooled myself," She sighed out and clenched her eyes tightly shut for a moment, before taking the last few swigs of her beer, emptying the bottle and discarding it carelessly on the floor.

      "The real question is; do you like this change?" Lane asked cautiously, letting his eyes slide towards her, watching her expressions waver then settle into a blank stare from the corner of his eye.

     "No," She replied lowly, hypnotic blue eyes shifting to meet his gaze.

    "And what are you going to do about it?" He smirked, clearly laying out a challenge, should she dare take it. And of course she dared, though nothing could've prepared him for her extreme solution.

     "I'm going to kill him,"


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