Pronunciation guide

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   I have found that a good bit of people (mostly my own family xD) have been pronouncing the names in this story wrong. It’s not a big deal I just thought I’d clear up this problem.

Chalavar- (Cal-uh-var) most commonly mispronounced.

Astley- (Ast- lee)

Sephton- (Sef- tun) 2nd most commonly mispronounced.

Hyun- (Hee- un)

Sying Yue- (Sighing- you)

Ryo- (Rie- oh)

Gen- (Jin)

Alastor- (Ahl-las-tor)

Hasan- (Hah-sahn)

Pheller- (Fell-er)

Gallagher- (Gal-ag-ger)

Miriam- (Mirr-ee-um)

  Some are pretty easy but I put them here anyways. My dad was reading and said, “How do say this? Sef ton?”

   Me: “Sef-tun. Beautiful name isn’t it?”

   He made a face. Pretty funny. (Dad, you gave me the idea to post this. Love ya!)

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