Chapter 8- Regret

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Chapter 8- Regret

   The moon shone brightly against the black sky. He took her hand and they strolled alongside the sparkling river for the last time. They sat, hand in hand, and silently stared at the moon’s brilliance. It would be the only familiar thing he’d see when he left…

   I tried to scream but a hand flew over my mouth. It was still completely dark in my tent. I couldn’t see who lurked above me. I thrashed around trying to get away.

   “Shh, Bella! It’s me.”

   I stopped and let my eyes adjust. It was only Fargus. He put a finger to his lips. I nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth.

   My heart beat wildly from the scare. I let my breathing slow before I asked him why he was in my tent in the middle of the night.

   He just shushed me again and gestured for me to follow.

   “Why? Where are we going?”

   “Where we can talk. Come.”

   I don’t know why but I immediately felt like I could trust him. I put on my jacket and went outside. We silently walked through campsite. Most everyone was in their tents but some were still awake quietly conversing with one another.

  My bare feet rustled in the long, dry weeds on the other side of the fairgrounds. Fargus occasionally looked back to see if I was still behind him.

   Finally, he stopped. There was a large pond stretching in a horribly lopsided circle. Cattails lined the edges, gently dipping into the water. Crickets chirped consistently with the occasional bull frog’s snort.

   I looked up at Fargus, waiting for him to speak. I’d had so many questions for him, but all momentarily escaped me. I’ve been waiting to see him for years. He was my inspiration, the reason I was here.

   Moonlight reflected off his black eyes. There was something so familiar about him. Like I’d known him all my life. I guess I sort of have.

   He stalked over to the very edge of the pond and sat. I came next to him. Neither of us spoke for awhile. We just listened.

   I felt peaceful and relaxed as a soft breeze passed over the pond and field. The water rippled, all the wrinkles fading over one way. They passed over the reflection of the moon. I looked up at the real moon and suddenly felt an odd sadness. It was a faint feeling but there nonetheless. Perhaps it was recalling the dream I’d had.

   I stroked the golden feather. I hadn’t meant to bring it with me. It was in my hand when I’d fallen asleep.

   He looked over at me and when our gazes met he gave me a small smile. “Sorry. I have a lot to say, I’m just not quite sure how to word it.”

   I couldn’t place his accent but it was smooth and calming. I nodded my understanding.

   “You did well today, I will say that.”

   “I messed up.”

   “That wasn’t your fault. Fa’s a nasty little girl sometimes.”

   I laughed a little. Any louder and I guessed it would disrupt the peacefulness of the still night. I didn’t want that.

   After a long pause, he spoke again. “What do you think so far?”

   “About being in the circus?”

   He nodded gently.

   “It’s the most wonderful place I’ve ever been.” That brought up a question I’d been wanting to ask for years to mind. “Why did you tell me not to come?”

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