3. Brady's Bistro

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Sofiya's gallery, Pinceau, had a grand opening for an artist in two weeks and we were swamped with work. I got a text from Kabir that we were meeting at Brady's. I finished up all the extra work before lunch and made my way to Brady's Bistro on my white bicycle.

It was a very Grand Budapest-esque bistro, a few blocks from the apartment. It was lively and always had jazz music on. The first time we had come to check out the apartment, we went there. Hayles and I loved their brownies and pancakes, it was heavenly.

Brady's was bustling with youngsters and the outdoor seating was occupied as usual. I went inside to find Hayles, Jesse and Kabir sitting in a cozy corner booth.

The walls were pink and the cushions of chairs and sofas were bottle green. It had bare bulbs hanging from the top in an indiscernible pattern. The counter was lined with freshly baked cakes, cookies, sandwiches and the entire place smelled like cheese, sugar and happiness.

I walked over to the booth, basking in the aroma of the bistro, feeling utterly pleased.

Hayles got up to hug me and whispered, "Shit Looney, they're both so hot and you left me with the two of them. You bitch, I love you."

I knew she wasn't up to any good. She could be mature when situation demanded, but right now the only situation she saw was two perfectly sculpted men and the brownies she ordered.

I was famished, after exchanging pleasantries, I ordered myself some spaghetti and relaxed.

"How was your day," Kabir asked.

"Really busy, we've been going crazy. But I'm happy with all the work; the more the gallery earns, the more I earn," I shrugged with my last words and smiled.

Kabir chuckled and remarked, "At least you look happy. Jess has been chewing our ear off about how much he hates the store but is never going to leave it."

Jesse started, "Talking about dichotomies, it's not like you're the most sorted person. Did you guys know he's a Philosophy drop out and is writing a novel? Why did you guys choose this broke dude as your roommate?" He teased.

"Hey, that's not fair. I have my bartending gig and I do get paid for my writing," Kabir said, and added "sometimes," lightly.

I looked at Hayley and said, "Wow, I missed quite a lot in half a day."

Hayley laughed, "You also missed this one-" she pointed at Kabir, "walking in on my creative space when I was drawing and totally killed my vibe with his stupid generic questions."

"How would I even know you if didn't ask you what kind of music you liked, Hayles," Kabir retorted easily. "And for your information, Jess, it's not stripper music."

We all laughed at Kabir's brutal comment and Hayley just went ha-ha but gave us a sexy smile.

Some friendly banter was emerging and hopefully, we won't drive each other insane in our four walls. I was glad that we were beginning this roommate relationship with honest friendships.

"We need a name for you, Kabir," Hayley said very matter of factly.

"I have a name? You just used it." He replied.

"You know what I mean, like a nickname. Kabirrr is sooo long." She stretched out the -eeerr.

"Have you even heard of any Indian names? This is literally the shortest possible name." He cocked one eyebrow.

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