Chapter 3 (Ohm)

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I tied the mask back around my face and saw the guy from earlier today pouting. My heart fluttered at how cute his face was like that..i think im gonna like it here. I told him there is always next time, meaning school for him to see my face. Maybe. My eyes are different from most peoples so i might need to hide that from people..why did i show them my face again?... Man this guy...he's different from most people I've met..what's so different about him? Im gonna try to be his friend. This guys gonna be the death of me i can already tell... I got back to my room and put my groceries away, i think I'm gonna make some stew... Yeah i got all the stuff i need to make it plus if i make that it'll last me a few days.

(Time skip)

The whole room smelled amazing from the stew i was cooking. I may not have ever been able to stay with a family very long but they always let me learn how to help with the food...also the teachers made sure i was further ahead than the other students so that when i did get sent back i was still working on all the work was usually pretty simple for me...i went through the stuff really fast i still remember one of the many teachers pulling me aside and asking if i would like to be pushed up a grade..i mean i obviously told her i did but i don't know if it ever happened or not... Guess I'll find out tomorrow at school. The stews done good im starving *stomach grumble* and just in time too.. I wonder if ill have any classes with that guy...he seems....interesting. I also kinda like him...heh...greeeaatt... I cant let him know one he may not be gay two he may bully me three he's different i dont know in what way but my friend told me while i was waiting on the stew to finish that there was something different about him...i know his friend is gay though...he's not even attempting to hide it...the way the guy was acting around the girls makes me think that he is gay but maybe i was just seeing what i wanted to see. I put my empty bowl in the sink and put the left over stew in the fridge and take a shower before going to sleep.

(Another time skip)

I woke up the next morning and ate a sandwich got ready and left for my first day of school here...hopefully this'll be my last first day as a new kid. I shut and lock the door grabbing the stuff i needed for classes. On my way to the school i saw that guy and his friend again, they were just walking and talking. About halfway to the school i realized i had been staring at the one guys butt the entire time...and how did i realize this they had slowed their walking lace down and were about 5 feet in front of me and the guy turns around and my eyes shoot up while my cheeks burn from embarrassment..he either u pretends to not see my bright red cheeks or ignores it. "Are you following us? I mean im flattered to have a stalker but your so obvious about..." he says with a deep chuckle that makes me shiver in delight. My cheeks burn more "N-No im n-not a s-taying in a h-hotel d-down the r-road..." fucking stupid stupid stutter i hance up at him through my mask and see his smirk on his oh so handsome face. This fucker was teasing me oh that's it he's in for it now. I lift my hands to my mask and take it off, i look him in the eyes and say " Game on..." i put the mask back on and walk to the school while he stands their surprised and shocked by my reaction to his teasing me... Hehehe dude you just started something you didnt want to...

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