Chapter 18 (~Lukey~)

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(Late night update..yay me...)

     "Whats wrong with me? Really Ryan!? After that shit fest you just did in front of me, you ask me like you have no clue what you just did??!? Really?!?" I yelled in anger and jealousy.
     Does he really not know what the fuck he did? No. That smirk means he did it intentionally to get to me... Why?... I know exactly why this lil bitch. Alright that's how he wants to play it. Well game on Ry. Game. On.

     "What its just a movie its not like it means anything except maybe some free food for me.. Besides i have to act like the hottest guy in school isn't my boyfriend..." he said grinning at me.

     Even though i heard everything he said the only thing that really processed in my brain was that i was the hottest guy in school to him. "Alright, I believe you. If you say its nothing more than a movie and some free food to you than that's all it is." he's not gonna win this game. This one. This ones my speciality...

     I smiled down at Ry leaned towards him and pressed our lips together as he became a slight pink. He kissed back immediately and I let go of his hands. As soon as his hands were free he wrapped them around my neck as I put my hands on his hips. After about 15 minutes of kissing the bell rang and we had to go to class. We pulled away from each other panting for air trying to catch our breath. I moved one of hands from his hip to his lower lip and placed my thumb on it gently pulling it down. "Only I can kiss you. If anyone else touches you there will be hell to pay... You're MINE. No one else's. Am I understood?" i said as i moved my hand away from his lips his cheeks a bright red now.

     He nodded his head "Yes. But if I see another girl lay a hand on you, I'm not responsible for what happens next..." he said looking up at me through his mask, I could still feel his eye's staring right into mine.

     "Fair enough. Now lets go before we're late." I said as I gave him another kiss before opening the door for us to go to class.

     It's now 6th hour and im bored as shit and to be honest i don't even remember which subject we're going over... "Ry... Psst...Ry!" i whisper yelled at him.

     "Yes?" he whispered back getting out a piece of paper. He handed it to me it had a note on it.

     We're writing this down because I don't want to get in trouble for talking on the second day of school (for me).  ~R

     Alright so can I come over after school so we can work on our project some more?  ~L

     Not today i need to clean up the hotel and do some other stuff before Brian shows up to get me for the movie...sorry. ~R
     Ima beat his ass he lays a hand on you..! MINE. ~L

     Yes yours and you are MINE. Now do you want to come over tomorrow after school or after I get back from the movies with Brian? If you come over tonight I'll cook you dinner and we'll practice my "powers"...?  ~R

     Alright when does the movie end? Can I just stay at your place til you get back?  ~L

     Alright that's fine. It works for me. I think the movie ends around 9:30 ish so i should be back by 10 at the latest...? Not sure I'll text you when the movies over and let you know. Okay?                    

     Alright I'm good with that. So what are you drawing over there?    

     Its not done. I'll show you when I finish it.. Anyways what do you want me to cook for our late night dinner date? lol.  ~R

     Honestly if there is any if that soup you made left we can just reheat that.. It was fucking delicious! I was telling Jon about it earlier and he got super salty that he didn't get   ~L

     Okay I'll have to make some more because a certain someone *points at you* ate it all... I'm glad you like it though. Lolzzzzz. XD.  ~R

     Okay... Not my fault that i actually have to use energy for my "powers"... Plus it was good soup.. I couldn't have stopped even if I had wanted to... LOL.   ~L

     Well class is almost over so put your stuff up so you'll be ready to walk to next class when the bell rings.   ~R

     Yes Okay *kisses you* I love you RyRy.

     Your such a dork... *kisses you back* love you too Lukey.   ~R

The bell rings and Luke grabs the paper and hands to Ryan to put in his bag. They walk out and head to their last hour class.

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