Chapter 9 (Ohm)

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I woke up on my bed and looked around the room for Luke..a little upset when i didn't see him. I got up and walked out my room to see luke sitting at the dining room table doing math homework with 2 bowls on the table..did he cook? No that my stew he just heated some back up.. "Oh you woke up i made us some of your stew to eat its really good this is my second bowl he said smiling this one is for you but it might be cold wait here ill heat it for you." he moved his hand above it and kept there for a split second "there it should be warmed up now." i gave him a "your crazy look but right as i was about to say he was crazy i noticed the steam coming from my bowl.. I walked over to it and put my hand above and felt heat coming off it. "H-How did you do th-that?" i asked stuttering. He gave me a confused look "what you've never used your powers?" I've only ever shifted 'omega do i have more than just one power?' Yes you do, did you really think you only had the one i was going to wait until you had better control over shifting since it was what you discovered first before showing you your other powers would you like to know what the other ones are or discover them as you go? 'I want to know what they are.' alright your first is shifting the one you know of with shifting the more you get control over it the more you can do with it once you have it mastered you'll be able to look and sound like other people. Next is elementals you can control an element of your choosing for you i would recommend earth it will be more useful to you and once you have that master you will be able to create earth and other living plants from air. Next is mind you can speak to other animals sense when they are near, you can control them and use them to your benefit in a fight if needed once you have this mastered you will be able to call to animals on the opposite side of the world. Next is another mind power you have a sort of telekinesis mixed with talking to people for now if you were to use it all you could do is speak to luke or jon and move small objects once you master it you be able to read there minds or others... You can search the minds of others for information you might need. Last is wolf gene that is in every as luke calls us unknown its what makes us have mates its why i yelled mate at you as you kissed him his wolf gene must have told him too since he used the word after the kiss.. Honestly though i thought he was straight but didn't like any of those girls... 'Gee thanks omega any thing else to tell me' not unless you have decided you want to see the one thing i was telling you about earlier today.. 'Not right now...' "OOOHHHMMMM!!!!" Luke screamed "what? why are you yelling??" I asked confused. "Ohm I've been saying your name for 5 mins now and you were just staring into space...i was scared.." he said quieter now. "5 mins really it only felt like a few seconds...uhm toonzy you.. doyouhaveavoiceinyourheadthattalkstoyou?" "say that again and slower this time please." he says smiling at me.i take a deep breath "do you have a voice that talks to you in your head?" i asked again but slower like he asked. He looked at me for a second confused "ohm were you not raised with others like you?" he asked gently. My heart raced how did he know what gave me away what do i do i dont want to tell him he wont want me if i do. My breathing quickens and im about to go into a panic attack when luke hugs me "nevermind dont answer you tell me when you're ready bit yes i do I'll explain everything of our kind to you i promise you wont be confused forever about all this you just breathe." he says soothingly but quickly trying to calm me down it works and breathing is back to normal and as he's about to let me go i grab his arms and stop him snuggling into his chest and wrapping my arms around him...."Lukey...can...can you stay the night please...i don't want to be alone..." i say and look up at him with pleading eyes. "You don't have to plead or beg just ask and my answer will always be yes." he says kissing the top of my head before moving one hand to his phone to call his mom and tell her he was gonna stay the night here for our project and would be home tomorrow after school. Then he hung up and carried me to the couch and sat down with me wrapped around him like a child in his lap my legs and arms wrapped around him as he held me in place with a hand under my butt and the other rubbing circles on my back.

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