Chapter 45 (Luke)

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The movie finishes right as the guys start to walk back inside from their training.

     "Hey. So, we came up with an idea on how to help Ohm train." Tyler says nudging Mini forward.

     "What if you two go at it with all you got to get him tired and then the rest of us will start going at him in groups of two and three. That way it'll be more even of a fight." Mini says as Tylwr gives him a proud look. I glance at Ry and see him grinning.

     "I like it. As long as Brian and Tyler are tge group of two." Ry says and I chuckle as both Tyler and Brian look scared but nod. "Alright thwn, I'm in." He says and I see Mini fist pump the air.

     "Now leave again so we can continue our cuddling." I say as they all chuckle and head to their rooms. Ry moves in my lap to where he's straddling me. My hands grab ahold of his hips as he wraps his arms around my neck. "Ry.." I say in a warning tone making him grin mischeviously and me inwardly groan.

     "Lukey... I wanna go out on a date." He says leaning down some to me sticking his bottom lip out in a pout. His hips slightly grinded on mine forcing me to bite back a groan.

     "The shit you do to me..." I mumble mostly to myself with my eyes closed. "Where do you want to go?" I ask him after taking a deep breath to control myself. His smile widens and he gives me a kiss that eagerly kiss back into.

     "I don't care. I just want us to go on a date. Technically it'll be our first date..." He says blushing slightly as he bites his lip. I smile and use my thumb to pull his lip from between his teeth. I pull him into another kiss as his arms tighten around my neck and his legs squueze mine. I groan and pull away from the kiss taking deep breaths.

     "Lets go get ready..." I say still fighting to control myself. He seems upset but nods anyways. He stands from my lap and I get up wrapping my arms around him as we walk upstaors to our room. "Where something warm." I say smiling as he raises an eyebrow at me.

     "Where are we going?" He asks me as ge pulls a long sleeve shirt and a jacket out.

     "The beach... Its a surprise dork." I say and kiss his cheek as I get my clothes and head to the hallway bathroom him going to the one in our room. "Love you." I say as I leave the room.

     "Love you too." He says and goes into the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and get dressed before walking back in the room. Ry is sitting on the bed tying his shoes as i grab a pair if socks and my shoes. I look at him and grin some. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

     "What?" He asks me making me chuckle at the fact that he did it without realising it.

     "I like my shirts on you Ry. They look better on you than me." I say and he looks at his shirt and blushes slightly as I give him a grin.

     "And I like you shirtless, so it all works out." He says smiling smugly. He's been more confident since everything with Tyler and our talk. I am not complaining one bit, I love seeing him like this.

     "Then maybe I should just go without one today the-"

     "No." He says interrupting me.

     "Why not? You said you like me shirtless." I say grinning at him as he pouts at me.

     "No one else gets to see you but me. No one." He says as his pout changes into a frown. "Mine." He says and my whole body pulses with desire.

     "As you are Mine." I say back my eyes clouded with lust.

I shake my head and look away from him. I feel him place his hand on my leg and bite the inside of cheek to keep control. I stand up and move to a wall pressing my hands firmly against it.


     "I'm fine." I say turning to him and opening my eyes to see his filled with concern. "I promise." I say and he bites his lip before nodding. I close the space between us and hug him. He snuggles into my chest and I hold him there for a few minutes. "Are you ready to go?" I ask and he lifts his head resting his chin on my chest. He nods slightly and smile at him kissing his nose before I let him go.

     "Carry me?" He asks and I chuckle before turning my back to him and crouching down. He hops on my back giggling and I carry him downstairs and outside. He hops off and gets in the car I get in the driver's seat and start the car. As I drive towards the destination I hear Ry move around. "Can I at least get a hint?" He asks me with a pout that makes me chuckle.

     "How about you just look in front of you. We're here." I say as he smiles and looks forward. His smile brightens as he see's where we are.

     "No way! Really?" He says excitedly as he almost falls out the car. I chuckle and get out walking around towards him.

     "Yes really. You told me once that you have never been before so I figured what better time than the present. Now hurry up before they close." I say grinning and walkimg backwards towards the place as he grins and catvhes up to me grabbing my hand.

     "I cant believe you. Do you know how long I've wanted to go ice skating for?" He asks me as I chuckle feeling proud of myself. He kisses my cheek as we get to the doors and I smile opening the door for him.

     "After you."

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