Chapter 11

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Scrunchy the black bobtail

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Scrunchy the black bobtail

"If it is war that they want"Fillip said as they landed." It is a war that they'll get"He said
"I want to try to prevent war"Unus said"War is coming. Sooner or later you'll have to fight"Said fillip" Their fear for me will soon fade and they will choose a new king"
Unus turned to face Cradline.Fruity came with watermelon skin filled with water."Just splash a little" Unus told him.Fruity gently put his paw in the bowl and splashed water on Cradlines face.

Cradline didn't budge.

Fillip walked over to them,snatching the bowl in his talons"Like this!"He said before pouring the whole bowl on a tiny Cradline. She jumped up,her feathers soaked. She looked around not recognizing her surroundings.

It was a beautiful lush green opened plain with flowers blooming as far as the eye can see. She stood up looking from one to the other confused "Did we die?" She asked.

"No. We escaped"Fruity said to her.


"So now what?"Fruity asked.
"Now,we will-"Fillip was cut short when a forest! near by.... Exploded.

"What's going on?wait...that's The dew forrest"Fruity said
"Fairy and her herd!"
"Fairy and her herd!"
Unus and Cradline said at the same time.

__meanwhile at dew forrest__

Fairy neighed,rearing up on her hind legs in terror as the fire spread through  her forest. She looked around at her terrified herd,running around not knowing what to do."I'm herd leader!they rely on me. They need me to stay focused and strong at times like this" fairy thought."Everyone calm down!"She said. The horses where still breathing fearfully and their eyes still wide. But they stayed still staring expectedly at their leader.

"We may be surrounded in fire. But we are horses. We can jump!"She yelled through  the sound of fire and burning trees.
The horses nodded nervously.
"Follow my lead!"She said
"Always"Trot said trotting beside her.
She gallopped a circle in the fire surrounding her. Before sprinting, then jumping gracefully over the fire wall.

There was still more fire,but she wasn't surrounded anymore.

"Go!" Flicko said,running in line with trot,they both jumped over the fire.
Soon followed by the rest of the herd who flanked eachother while running a straight line,before they all jumped over the fire.
They kept on running. Till they found a canyon. Fairy look through  the fiery canyon,then back behind them,where the trees where falling and the fire was burning wildly."let's go"she said unsure. A fiery tree fell right behind them,spitting fire on them and catching some horses tails on fire. They nieghed in fear."GO!" Fairy said. They all ran. Fairy stayed to make sure everyone got in safety. Flicko was in the lead for now. Trot came last "That's everyone" Trot said. They ran side by side into the canyon.
"We can only hope for a miracle!"Trot said,watching the fire,burn and rocks fall,the horses where getting more agitated.
"Stay relaxed!we will get out of this!I will make sure of it!I won't let you'se down!" She assured her herd "Keep running!stay in a straight line,stick together!"Trot called after them.

Fairy ran and ran. But soon found trot was no longer beside her. She turned left and right. She stopped in her tracks"Trot!!!" She called after him.

The herd looked back "Go!I'll catch up!" She said. Flicko gave her a look that said"be safe" then he looked forwards again "Follow me!" He said,running.

"Trot?!"Fairy called. Searching around the falling apart canyon for her friend.
Rocks and trees burning on fire,fell in front of Fairy. She hopped over them and kept searching "TROT!!?" Fairy was getting very worried. She ran backwards down the canyon,but found a fiery bolder falling right in front of her. She stopped hard. Fiery pebbles fell in her eyes and all over her face. Making her close her eyes.
So she wasn't aware when a tree fell on her.

Chapter over.

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