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Trot;eyes flaming with anger.
Ran up to the little cat.Scrunchy moved back a little,trying not to look frightened as Trot stood right in front of him rearing on his back legs.

Trot stomped his front hooves down on both sides of Scrunchy,so close to him it clipped his fur.

Scrunchy winced,without moving"Stubborn cat" Trot thought.
"How can you be so cold?Does the sun not reach threw your fur to your heart?"Trot asked.Scrunchy looked up proud"Un like some,I don't let warmth control me"Scrunchy said" let the cold control you"Trot said.

Scrunchy looked down trying to come up with a come-back....
Trot snorted,before walking back to the group.

"Some revenge"Scrunchy teased.Trot stopped in his tracks"It's called's something you don't have.something I can't fight"Trot said.he turned his head to face Scrunchy"How could I bring myself to attack something so much smaller and more fragile than me?"Trot asked"I couldn't bring myself to harm you"He said walking up to Soldier and picking him up from the scruff and putting him on Flicko's back for safety.

Scrunchy growled"Weakling"He said"I fought off that voice that tells me to have mercy!you cannot!you are weak!"Scrunchy said"That voice in your head that's telling you to do the right thing?if weakness makes me listen to it.I don't want to be strong...not like you.I'm strong in my own way,ways you can't see"Trot Nieghed

Something ruffled the trees and all heads swung around to see what it was.

A cream and white horse,walked out from the trees.non other than fairy.

"Fairy!?why did you come?"Flicko asked"Did you think I wouldn't follow you?"She asked.
"I may not have eyes to see.but that won't make me useless"She said"ENOUGH!"Scrunchy said,as elephants came holding cages;made of the branches from small trees and kept together by vines.

Without warning the cage slammed on top of each one of them.

"You all are weak"Scrunchy said
"We fight doing the wrong thing,you fight doing the right.But there is one difference.We are right and you are wrong"Trot Nieghed"I don't see it that way"Scrunchy meowed"Even with barely any eyes I see better than you"Fairy said"Stay out of this Filly!"Scrunchy said"You'se are in no position to talk!you are imprisoned!with no one to help you"Scrunchy hissed"Your in no position to talk"Trot said"because You are an abomination"

Scrunchy hissed"Take them away!"He yelled.the elephants carried them on there backs toward the Stray lands.

Unus had stayed quiet the whole time,along with most of the others,they where surprised that such a tiny thing could cause such a big problem.

"This is my fault..."Unus mumbled to the other,his wings bending out of the tiny cage"Your fault?"Cradline asked"Your fault?!" Fruity echoed

"For what?for being born?for being alive?it's there fault for not excepting you as one of us!"Cradline said"But I'm not"Unus said"Not one of us?"Fruity asked.

(Unus was in the cage between the two)

"No,your right"Cradline said.
Fruity looked over to Cradline shocked."your not one of us"Cradline then the whole group understood,except Unus.

"You are us"Cradline said"And more" all the rest said"You can not be just one of are all or us and you"Cradline said"You are the good of us all"Fruity said.Unus half smiled"I don't deserve your friendship"He said to them all with teary eyes from both happiness and sadness.he pressed his head against the bars,because at the moment he wasn't able to hug them or nudge them,he was trapped.but once they arrived Unus was not planning to stay,but since stray lands where in the same detection to the mountain,there was little use escaping now.

Chapter over

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