~ Ch 1 - Two Worlds 1/2 ~

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World 1--- Youngjae
It's just another regular day for most of the people around us, but it is not for the students of this school. It's their final year in the school and these boys decided to finally have a soccer match to find out who is better. The boys were dressed in red and blue and they were in the field running behind the ball in between the nets. Some of the cheerleaders are enjoying seeing their Crushes/Boyfriends doing a great job on the field and blocking the opposite team making a goal.

It was the last 5 minutes of the game, the blue team has a total of 11 points while red has a total of 7 points, who has almost made his efforts to get the ball to the goal, making him fall on the ground and that he has lost the goal from happening. The crowd that was cheering very happily has gone to shock and scared to imagine what would happen to the player that fell ( No. 10 ). The aggressive player ( No. 7 ) once again took control over the ball again running all around the field to distract the opposite team and then finally scored the goal with 1 minute left on the clock till the game is over. Red team did their best to make sure the ball doesn't go out of control in the last minute and the result was a win for the red team in the end.

The cheer from the playground was about to reach the sky before they fell down to the ground once again, when something unexpected thing happened. No. 7 grabbed No. 10's shirt by the collar and pulled him out from the ground with an angry expression on his face, instead of a happy one. Some of the boys from each team followed them, leaving the rest of the team and the crowd in disappointment of lack of celebration.

No. 10 was begging No. 7 to leave him alone and not to hurt him, which was pretty useless until their leader appeared at the spot pulling him away from the other team leader No. 7 saving the kid who was begging and rushing into a fight with the others. Both teams had a serious fight for 30 whole minutes before the blue accepted their defeat, after competing with the other team for 2 years. Red team went to the ground with a proud glare on all their faces just to start the cheers this time to let them reach the sky's blanking out any sound from reaching near them.


"Wow, your son is good looking, he definitely inherited his parents beauty features." Said the lady with the green dress seeing us every time she came the full length portrait of the handsome boy.

The mother of the boy proudly smiled at that comment, as she also admires her son's beauty.

"Is he going to inherit his father's reign?" The question was shot at the proud mother which changed her expression.

She can only reply in a sad and hoping expression "I'm not to sure if he will. He was a great student until two years back. All his teachers loved and treasured him very much. But when his older brother who was naïve got trapped by his only best friend resulting in a loss to the company and in him going into depression. This handsome younger one left all emotions and moved away from people, studies and company as much as he could. After that he joined a martial arts club and now he is the most untouchable student in the school. The way he is converting himself everyday, me and his father are starting to lose confidence in him inheriting the company. There has to be some type of miracle that has to happen to bring him back to us."


On a nice Sunday morning, mom and dad are already having their breakfast. They weren't in a rush so they ate their breakfast happily and enjoyed every single piece of it. Just then the possible heir of the family reached the breakfast table, it amazed him just looking at the delicious food on the table while waiting for his favourite food to be served. His food arrived, he took a bite of it and was only able to say "Wow yummy!!! You are the best chef in world" he said while stuffing his face with the food.

His mom threw a teasing wink to her husband, that she got a great compliment from their lovely son. The father got curious and interfered to hear some good words from his son. "Hey! I am the one who taught her how to cook."

"You are the best husband and father. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have such nice food," left a whole hearted compliment to his father. Both father and mother felt happy for their son's loves towards them.

"So, what is your next plan son?" Asked his father caring about his future plans. He doesn't have any intention of doing something againist his son's will, so he wanted to know what his child had in mind that will ensure him to provide any possible resources for his child's desires. "Actually, I don't have any plans yet. I Never thought of the future cause I was completely involved in developing myself in the present. Now that I think about it, do you have any plans or hopes about what I should do or pursue?" It's the son's answer.

"You might not actually like this idea." The father said while sighing. The father is very scared to bring this up before the son, with a hesitated voice, he finally said "I am hoping for you to go to a Business school and learn how to work and do the business. It's not that I am pushing you or forcing you to take this up, since I seriously think this education will help you in doing any business or any work that you wanted to do in the future. But if you like to do anything other than any business I am more than happy for you to do it."

Without a blink of thought the son agreed "I don't have any problem in doing it for now since I don't have any plans on what to do. I don't think I have any passion on any other profession, so I am good to take this up. Since you came up with this plan, please make sure that I go to a good college that give me a good credit even if I don't study and those who don't bother me asking to do this and that."

"My lovely son", mom planted a big kiss on the son's cheek as she is totally proud of her son. Father actually knows that his son is actually soft in the inside and always wished to inherit his father's reign but all his behaviour is just to make the people run away from him so no one trap him to invent to his company.

His father after a week of research and a week of workout with the college management, he came to his son with the admission to an international business management college, which was located in Netherlands. His son a was in shock and asked his father "You're sending me away?! Why? Am i bothering you that much?!"

"Yes, you being my precious son running away from people just to save yourself, your parents and the company is bothering me. You being rebel to all people around you and people complaining about you are somethings I am not able to see. So go away from us and live as you want. No one will come to me to complain about you and it's a renowned college so no one would even care to think or talk about you and your deeds." Father replied, reasoning his decision after thinking about it for a week

The son thought it's a good idea and good to stay away from his parents so they won't get bothered with complaints and he got to be like however he wanted and went back to playing his games.

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