~ Epilogue ~

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3 years later...

"Youngjae help!" JB shouted as he was getting chased by Coco, the dog Mark bought a few days ago. Youngjae ran down the stairs, "What happened?!" he asked worried. JB ran behind Youngjae and pointed towards Coco, causing Youngjae to laugh. JB backhugged Youngjae as he rested his chin on Youngjae's shoulder. Youngjae turned around and kissed JB on the cheek,"No need to be scared Bummie, she just wants to play."

"Yeeeewwww." Bambam shouted while covering his eyes. "It's not that bad Bam, you'll get used to it." Jinyoung said as he placed a kiss onto Mark's cheek making Bambam even more disgusted.

Youngjae was about to head upstairs till a hand grabbed him by the wrist. "Can I come?" JB asked, "Sure!" Youngjae replied happily. The rest of the group looked at each other twitching their eyebrows up and down, except for the two maknaes. "We should follow them!" Mark suggested. They looked at each other while thinking about it, "Yeah let's do it!" they said in unison. They all made their way upstairs quietly, as they put their index finger towards their mouths.

They all leaned their ears towards the door as they eavesdropped on the two lover Boys.

In the room...

Youngjae jumped onto the bed and layed on his back. JB walked towards the TV in their room and pressed the power button, grabbed the remote and made his way towards the younger. Youngjae scootched over and patted on the spot beside him, telling JB to sit there.

JB sat beside Youngjae, "What do you want to watch?""I don't know bummie, you choose." JB looked at him, "ok." he scolled through the list of horror movies as Youngjae looked at him with wide eyes."Bummie why horror movies?" JB looked at him and smiled, "You let me choose.""Fine, just this once. For you." Youngjae said hugging his boyfriend tight.

As the movie started Youngjae was already shaking like crazy. "We don't have to watch it if you don't want to." JB said worried about his precious boyfriend, "N-no it's ok I'm f-fine..." He said hugging him tighter. Youngjae covered both his eyes with both his hands, causing JB to giggle of his cuteness. "Why are you laughing?" Youngjae said pouting without taking his hand off both eyes. "Because your being cute." Youngjae turned slightly pink at the comment, but JB didn't notice as he was still watching the movie and Youngjae's hands blocked the view.

A few minutes into the movie the boys outside the door were getting bored. The lover boys said nothing interesting, they thought. All they did was compliment each other and JB just tried to calm Youngjae down, nothing too interesting. They started walking away from the door till they heard, "AHHHHH!!!  JAE BUMMIE!!!" It sounded like Youngjae, Mark thought signalling them back to the door "My poor child!" Jinyoung responded, following Mark. The 5 boys rushed to the room and slammed the door open. Youngjae was there sobbing, digging his head into JB's  chest, while JB stroked hair softly to calm him down and looked towards us. "What happened?! Are you ok?!" Jinyoung said running to the sobbing child. Youngjae pulled away from JB's chest, looked at Jinyoung and nodding his head like a actual baby. Jinyoung is such a mom, JB thought, looking at Jinyoung stroking Youngjae's hair and asking questions a mother would ask.


A few hours past and the boys started leaving one by one until Youngjae and JB were left. Bambam and Yugyeom left first to get ice cream, Mark and Jinyoung went on a date bringing Coco with them as well and Jackson made his way back to his home. "Are you ok now Baby?" JB ask worriedly, "Yea I'm fine now." Youngjae said looking at his tea. "You sure? You seem to be dozing off ever-so often." "Yea I'm just tired, Youngjae said yawning, walking back up to their room. Youngjae opened the door and entered the room, falling onto the bed face first. JB followed Youngjae up the stairs and layed beside him on the bed. JB tapped Youngjae making Youngjae's eyes look directly at his, confused. Youngjae hummed in response, JB scotched over and patted a spot beside him. Youngjae made his way towards JB, lied down beside him and leaned his head on JB's broad shoulder.

"Can I ask you something Jae?" JB asked seriously making the Youngjae a bit scared. "Sure, ask away." Youngjae replied happily, hiding his fear. "Well, we've been together for 3 years now ,We bought this house , We moved in with each other, finished university together and everything." Youngjae nodded wanting him to continue, and so he did, "Would you y'know say yes if I were to ask you to marry me?" JB asked. Youngjae shocked at him in shock, not knowing what to say, he was speechless. Youngjae nodding his head up and down rapidly, making JB giggle. JB got off the bed and pulled something out of his pocket, which appeared to be a small box. Youngjae examined it, realizing what is was. Youngjae couldn't hold his tears and let them flow. JB went down on one knee and opened the box, which had a shiny ring inside, "Will you marry me?". Youngjae quickly got off the bed hugged JB and said "Of course! YES! I will marry you Bummie!" Youngjae said pulling away, while JB slipped the ring onto the younger's finger. Youngjae admired the ring and started jumping for joy and hugged JB once again. Youngjae pulled away a little and gave a passionate, soft and loving kiss onto JB's lips which lasted for only a few seconds till they pulled away leaving a millimeter space between their lips.

"I love you." JB said as he looked at the younger.

"I love you too Bummie." Youngjae replied.

Youngjae attached his lips back on JB's, covering the millimeter space. 

The End.

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