~ Ch. 2 Friends For The First Time ~

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It was the day before the first day of their classes in the business school, students slowly gathered in the college campus, they're collecting their dorm room keys, settling up understanding the campus, preparing for their classes and making new friends.

Meanwhile JB and Youngjae in expectedly walked into the office room for collecting their keys at the same time. They reached the receptionist and said together "Can I have my dorm keys please?" in sync.

Receptionist: You should say your names first.

"Jaebum but you can call me JB."

"Choi Youngjae" they both replied.

The receptionist gave the keys and said their room's addresses, "Ok JB, Block B, Room #48, and Choi Youngjae, Block B, Room #49."

The 2 boys gave a glance at each other and left for their rooms without talking at all whatsoever. JB walked first, Youngjae followed. No one even bothered to talk to the other and finally reached their rooms. The dorms had 2 beds for 2 people with a TV, AC, and 2 study tables, a teapot and 2 chairs with a table. It was nothing less than a hotel room.

Room #48 - When JB was browsing through his dorm, his roommate who looked very young with a cute baby face came out of the attached bathroom.

"Haiiiii!! So you are my roommate! My name is THE ONE AND ONLY BamBam," he was very happy to see his roommate and politely raised his hand for a handshake.

"Hi! I'm Jaebum but call me JB for short." JB formally introduced himself and was about to shake his hand till.

"DAB!" Bambam yelled out of no where and scared JB while dabbing.

"Um okay then.." JB said as he walked slowly away from Bambam as he continued dabbing.

Bambam, who was still young is a little playful to even understand another person's attitude, JB tried to make a conversation with his roommate since he thought it's good to be good with the person whom he is going to share a room with for at least a year.

"Hey Jaebutt, which bed do you want to take? The left or right?" Bambam asked after dabbing multiple times and answered himself before JB said anything "I'd prefer the right one cause it is far from the door and whoever is near will end up opening the door every time it was knocked on."

JB went to the bed on the right, kept his bed and occupied it, "I am taking this bed. Oh and my name is actually Jaebum not Jaebutt."

Bambam felt weird and defeated, did not say even a single word until evening and just kept doing his stuff without disturbing JB.

Room #49 - Youngjae was the first the enter the dorm, he browsed through the and took the bed on the right naturally. When he was working on his closet and study table, his roommate who was tall with a nice build entered the dorm.

"Hi! I'm Yugyeom, your roommate," he introduced nicely. "I am Youngjae" he said shyly and did his work pretending to be busy.

Yugyeom was shocked at first, but tried to keep his cool since they're roommates.

After a while when they were kind of settled, Yugyeom started a conversation "What are your likes and dislikes? I like pale blue, chicken, dancing, hip hop music, love stories and Chris Brown. What do you like?"

He realized it was the stupidest question to ask Youngjae only after he heard his answer "Peace." Youngjae left the spot to freshen up leaving Yugyeom in lifetime shock on his bed.


When the sun came down, a bunch of seniors came knocking on all the dorms doors and asked all students to gather in a empty place in front of the building. When all the freshman gathered, seniors stood before them to make fun of them. JB and Bambam were standing next to each other, Bambam was holding JB's hand. JB did not say anything since he understood that kid is actually scared of the scene in front of them.

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