~ Ch. 3 Beauty Pageant ~

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Youngjae, JB, Bambam and Yugyeom became very good friends.

Soon a notice came out from the principal's office about the freshman's day celebration in 2 weeks. These 4 nominated themselves for competitions in their favourite fields.

JB nominated for soccer, Youngjae nominated for singing; Bambam for quiz and Yugyeom for dancing.

Whole day goes preparing for the competitions and ends by dinner, chatting and telling jokes.

Yugyeom frowned the whole day, Bambam put his hand around Yugyeom's shoulders and asked "What happened? Why are you so sad today?"

YG: our names were nominated for one more competition for the freshman's day celebrations.

JB: Our names?! What competition?!

YG: It's a beauty pageant. Whoever wins this competition is considered as superior. The same competition which made Mark superior for the second years.

BB: Beauty pageant?! Doesn't that sound a bit weird? And who wrote our names for this competition?

YG: I heard Jackson the second year wrote our names. He was telling that us 4 Must enter this competition. We just need to wear something good and walk on stage during the competition, results will be announced on the celebration day.

JB stood up "I will go cross out my name from the list. I don't want to show off anything to anyone. Especially because of what happened before I came here." He said crossing his arms and turns his back to them.

Youngjae pulled him back to the bed bed and back hugged him over his shoulders to stop him from moving, "Don't! If our seniors had participated and became superior of their batch, why don't we try doing it? Sounds new and why only girls have fun. Cmon let's try this? Plz.

Bambam and Yugyeom looked at each other confused, they both signaled with their facial expressions and smiled in agreement and JB was forced to agree too.


It was the day of celebrations for the freshman. All 4 dressed in good attire with jeans and blazers as they are apart of the 5 finalists of the beauty competition along with being winners in their other competitions and winning toppers for the superior.

After the prize distribution of all categories are over, it's time to announce the winner of the beauty competition.

JB was very confident from the time their names were nominated for this competition that he was going to win, that's from his past experiences.

Mark was ready on stage to give away his crown to the new winner once announced.

All 5 finalists were called to the stage. The MC of the event then started to announce the winner, "The winner of this year's beauty pageant is..." JB raised his leg with a long face to take the crown but, "The winner is... Choi Youngjae" was announced.

JB got shocked which eventually turned to surprise. that this was his first time he has been the most good looking person around. How is that even possible?There is someone who everyone considers more better looking than me.

JB can see Bambam, Yugyeom, Jackson and Jinyoung and everyone who was clapping for Youngjae as if he deserves to win. Mark gave the crown to Youngjae on the stage and congratulated with an affectionate hug.

JB aw towards Youngjae who was showing off his crown on the stage to the audience, he was only able to see him from behind and only one side of his adorable smiling face. For the first time he felt, Youngjae is really cute. Youngjae has a remarkable smile that can flatter anyone.

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