~ Ch. 6 First Date ~

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That day, around 2 pm JB packed his bags and waited for Youngjae, he went missing after the exam. After half an hour JB got a call from Youngjae, "JB get ready and come out of the room soon. I'm waiting at the park." He hung up without letting JB talk. A few minutes later JB went to the park to meet Youngjae, he looked different from what he would usually wear on any other day. Youngjae welcomes JB with an adorable smile, "you came!" Youngjae said happily. "What's up! Where were you all this time?"

"Remember how I said I was gonna give you something special if you give your exams properly? So I was thinking we could go on a date today." Youngjae said while blushing slightly.

"Date? With you?" JB jumped and shouted at the same time.

"Yeah, I thought you would react like that. But I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable with any girl because of your fears, so I planned this day out and called it a date." Youngjae explained. JB blushed and was amazed on the idea that he was going on a date for the first time with someone he is more comfortable with. Youngjae booked a cab for their date. "I can't let you wait for a cab on our first date. So don't keep the cab waiting for us. Get in we are getting late." Youngjae answered.

JB: What are we going to do today?

YJ: Simple. Shopping, movie, dinner and home.

JB: Why shopping?

YJ: It's a rule to give gifts on the first date. So, I wanted to buy something for you.

JB: Then I should buy something for you. How bout this, you buy a outfit that you like for me and I'll buy one that I like for you. Let's exchange and wear it today.

YJ: Good idea!

They felt a bit weird for the first time in the cab thinking about where they were going and what they were doing. Their talks were a bit modest compared to any other time. The cab stopped in front of a shopping mall, Youngjae took JB to his favorite shop, "Let's go hunting and we can meet at the fitting rooms." They made the deal and went in their own way. 15 minutes later JB and Youngjae bought the outfits they want to give to each other and met near the trail room.

JB liked how he looked very much in the outfit Youngjae bought and Youngjae liked his too. "This is totally different from what I normally wear but it looks really good, your selection is spot on!" JB admitted. "Then the next time you go shopping, call me and I'll choose clothes for you." Youngjae laughed.

They still have 30 minutes left until the movie starts, JB wanted to go to the haunted house with Youngjae with the time left. "Please, I didn't go there when we went to the theme park, so can we at least go this time," JB requested.

YJ: Well, if you want to go to much, then go alone, I'll wait.

JB: Oh c'mon Jae Jae, I am gonna go with you after all. What's a date if you don't fulfill your date's wish and what's a date if you don't try these things.

YJ: Hmmmm.. Still no.

But then he decided to try it since he can do these type of things only when he's with JB. JB jumped in happiness and excitement and took Youngjae with him into the haunted house.

Youngjae held JB's hand as they entered the house. First a zombie appeared before them, he kept his head on JB's shoulder and covered his face with other hand covering his eyes. JB giggled and started moving deeper into the hallways, Youngjae followed him with his left hand holding JB's and the right hand on JB's shoulder, his head rested on JB's shoulder. JB walked for a while but then pulled Youngjae before him, "Be a man, walk before me."Youngjae with no interest in doing it and walked before JB frightened, took each step very carefully trying to avoid any other jump scares. But then, a Zombie appeared before him. Youngjae immediately turned to JB and leaned on his body while covering his face. JB laid his hands around Youngjae and comforted him by tapping his hands on Youngjae's shoulders.

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