~ Ch. 7 After Effects - Jaebum ~

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"Mom! Dad! Can I sleep with you guys tonight? JB asked his parents.

His parents looked at each other and hid dad said, "Sure son, it's been a long time we spent the night with you," he rolled his hands around JB's shoulder and took him to their room.

JB slept in between his parents holding their hands. Both his parents gave a small kiss on his cheeks and wished "Good night." JB felt comfortable and relaxed in his parent's presence. 


Next morning, "Dear, did you notice something off with our little Jae?" JB's mom told her husband worried.

"What? I did not notice anything like that. He seems perfectly fine. I bet he was just missing us from all these days. Don't think too much and spoil the fun." JB's father confirmed.

"No. Lately he's not as fun as he was before. He's always lost in his thoughts. Laughing with in himself, staring at walls and windows thinking deep, these are not JB."

"Really? Okay, let's see for 2 more days and I will talk to him if I see anything off." JB's father confirmed the responsibility.

Just then the maid's daugther came crying to their room, "What happened? Why are you crying?" JB's mother asked.

"I went to play with JB. But when I tried to pull his hand to play with me, he pushed me away and shouted at me." The little girl started to cry even more. She looked so pity as she literally didn't have anyone to play with and she was so excited that JB was coming for the holidays as he was her only company and playmate before he left for Netherlands. She considered him as her real brother and always adored him for his knowledge on stuff and the way he always used to help her all the time. But for the past week that JB was in the house for the holidays, he never played with her or even helped her at all. 

JB's mother be came furious hearing this. She looked at her husband for any of his reactions but he was just confused on what was happening. He never seen that side of JB, the guy who is always enthusiastic and running all over the house is calm and dull. He's lost in some thoughts all week and today he shouted at a little girl. His mother couldn't resist herself for any longer so she left to speak with JB.


"Im Jaebum!" Mamma entered JB's room calling out his full name, "What're you doing?" Angry Mamma turned soft after feeling JB's aroma in the room. That has given the jerk to the lost JB, "I'm just.... Nothing" said JB. True, he is actually doing nothing, he's just sitting on the sofa and looking elsewhere. He looked pathetic the way he's looking, there's no life in his eyes. His mom became so concerned about her child, she went to him, put her hands around her son, sitting next to him and asked, "What's wrong? Tell me what I can do to bring that smile to your face."

Mark with the warm words for his mother, started crying without a blink and hugged his mom like a child. Mom doesn't know what to talk to him about and how to make him cool down, tears started flowing in her eyes too. Just then, the little girl came running and shouted, "JB, you got a package...." She muted herself as she saw the scene before her on the sofa. JB's mother turned towards her and asked, "Package! From where?"

"From Choi.. um.... Young.... jae......" she tried to read the rest of the address, before the package was grabbed from her hands leaving her in shock. When she raised her head to see what happened, she could only see JB's mother sitting on the sofa bewildered and looking towards her left. JB grabbed the package and opened it without mercy, tearing the wrap to shreds like a monster. The package had a shirt inside which read -

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