Photo op

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You and Y/F/N we're heading to the line for the photo op with Jensen and Jared. You could feel your heart begin to race, and you started shaking enough for Y/F/N to notice.

"Y/N, you ok?" Y/F/N asked while getting in line.

"Yah just a little nervous I guess." You replied. It was true. You were so nervous to take a picture with your celebrity crush.

"Everything will be fine Y/N. Trust me." Y/F/N assured you.

The line was very long. When you and your friend got to the line y'all were pretty far back. Far enough to where you could barely see the two actors. To pass some time, you pulled out the headphones in your purse and started listening to Panic! At the Disco.

Some time passed, and you and your friend slowly started making your way up the line. While y'all were a little more than half way up, Y/F/N interrupted your song and said "Omg   Y/N he's staring at you!"

You were confused at first. Who could be staring at me? You thought. "And who exactly is staring?" You asked Y/F/N as you curiously look around the convention area.

"Jensen! Jensen is staring at you!" Y/F/N exclaimed.

" Y/F/N, there is no way Jensen Ackles is staring at me with all these beautiful women around me. Must be someone behind me." You told her

"Nope, staring straight at you!" Y/F/N said. You glanced up at Jensen to see if it was true. And it was indeed. As you looked up, you could see him blush and smile, then look back at the fan taking a picture with him.

"Oh my gosh Y/F/N you're right! But why me?" You asked wondering why he would be staring at you.

"Well I have to admit, you're so freaking beautiful!" Y/F/N told you making you blush.

For the rest of the wait time, you and Y/F/N we're talking about random things and also Jensen and Jared.
You and your friend were up next for the photo op. Your heart began racing and you were so nervous because you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of Jensen and Jared. You started to take deep, slow breaths to calm down, and it worked. Next thing you know, you're next.

You and Y/F/N walk up to the two actors. You go to Jensen and Y/F/N goes to Jared.

"Hi how are you?" Jensen asks with a huge smile on his face

"I'm perfect. How about yourself?" You ask him while staring in his forest green eyes.

"Great now that I'm meeting you." He says still with the huge smile plastered on his face. "So what do you want to do for the picture?" Jensen asks.

"I was thinking a funny group picture then one with just me and you?" You told him hoping for him to go along.

"Sounds perfect!" He told you. You were relieved he didn't say no. Not that he would but you had a feeling he might of. You, Y/F/N, Jared, and Jensen all stood together and made a funny pose, then Y/F/N and Jared took a picture together, and now it was you and Jensen's turn. You didn't know what to do, so Jensen decided. He turned you toward the camera then stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. Once you figured out what was going on, you smiled, not even realizing the camera flashed.

"Thank you so much for the picture Jensen." You said

"No problem" he said while winking. "Do you want to get a drink later tonight after the convention?" He asked hoping you'd say yes.

"Of course! I'd love to!" You said with delight. You were slightly blushing at the fact that he just asked you to get a drink with him on the first day y'all met. You had a smile that was glued on your face and would not come off.

"Awesome! I'll see you then!" Jensen said, and with that, you were back to walking around the convention area.
"What?! Y/N are you serious! Jensen asked you on a date?" Y/F/N exclaimed with excitement, so happy that you were asked.

"It's not a date Y/F/N, were just going to the bar across the street to get to know each other better." You told her.

"Are you kidding me? If Jared asked me to talk outside, I'd consider that a date! Of course it is!" Y/F/N said, mentioning her celebrity crush.

"Well, I believe Jared is going to be there also, so why don't you come?" You told her, making her more jumpy than she was before, if that was even possible.

"Omg Y/N I love you so much!" Y/F/N said while hugging you so tight that you could hardly breathe.

"Ok, ok. Let go please." You said, trying your best to get those words out. She let go and you gasped for air.

"Sorry. Got a little carried away." Y/F/N said. "Let's get to our seats and get ready for the show."

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