Hanging Out

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The sun was shining through the hotels curtains and you slowly started to open your eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness entering the room.

"Good morning sleepy head. It's about time you got up!" Said Y/F/N. You grab your phone off the charger and see that it's 12:45 pm. You also see a twitter notification. You open up the app while getting out of bed.

Once opened, you saw that you had a message from Jensen that said "I knocked on your door but no one answered. I was going to ask if you wanted to go get some coffee. If so, I'll be at the coffee shop downstairs."

After reading the message that was sent at 12:20 pm, you typed back "That sounds great! Sorry I slept in. I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

You grabbed a blue tank top that flowed, some dark blue skinny jeans, and white sandals and went to the bathroom to change. After you changed you looked in the mirror and saw your reflection and decided to put on light makeup and brush your hair out because there was no time for straightening it.

You grabbed your room key and was about to step out the door till Y/F/N asked "Where are you going?"

"Jensen invited me to get coffee with him and I'm running late. Gotta go. Love ya!" You said while running out the door to where the elevators where. You clicked the button multiple times until it opened, and the ride down couldn't be any more slower. After getting out the elevator, you saw the coffee shop, and saw Jensen sitting at a high table watching from a TV set up in the lobby.

"Hey sorry I'm so late. I woke up and got your message and tried to get here as fast as I could." You told Jensen.

"Hey, no problem. The tv kept me occupied." He told you.

"Ok well I'm gonna go buy some coffee, I'll be right back." You said as you walked up to the counter. You stood next to the counter while digging in your purse to grab your wallet. You didn't feel it so you looked in the bag and let out a defeated sigh when you realized you had left your wallet in your room.

"I'll be right back, I left my wallet in my room." You told Jensen.

"Here, take this." Jensen said as he dug out his wallet from his back pocket and handed you a ten dollar bill.

"Jensen, you don't have to pay for me. All I have to do is go back to my-"

"Just take it. I don't mind." He told you with the money still handed out to you.

"Ok then, since you insist." You said while grabbing the money and walking towards the counter to actually order this time. You got your coffee and joined Jensen at the table.

"So how did you like the show last night?" Jensen asked before taking a sip of his coffee.

"It was amazing. I wish I had the money to travel to every convention. Everyone is so friendly, the show is very interesting, and there's this one actor that is just so admiring to look at." You told him with a smirk appearing on your face.

"And may I ask who that actor is?" He asked with a slight smirk.

"Misha." You said while trying not to laugh. Jensen looked at you with a playful bitch face and tried his best to keep a straight face.

"Well I'll leave now and tell Misha to come join you." He said while both of you laughed. You both continued to talk for 45 more minutes then you looked at the clock.

"I hate to ruin this nice get together, but I have to pack for our trip back home." You told Jensen, hating to ruin the moment.

"I understand. I have to pack myself. How bout I walk you back to your room?" He asked you. You couldn't say no, so you two started to head back to your room, walking extra slow. "Before you leave tomorrow, I'd like to treat you to dinner, if you don't mind." Jensen asked.

"I would love that! What time?" You asked.

Does 6 sound good?" J asked.

"Sounds perfect! See you then!" You told him. Before heading to your room, you faced Jensen and gave him a hug. He almost immediately hugged you back, wrapping his arms around your torso, slightly tightening the embrace. Before stepping in your room, he kissed your cheek, and you could feel your face getting red. "Bye Jensen." You said

"Bye Y/N." Jensen said before heading to his room.

Hope this chapter was good! Sorry for not updating for a little bit.

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