part one/caffeine & first sights

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Annie was walking into a coffee shop for her third morning coffee run. It wasn't because the barista was particularly attractive or anything- she just really loved coffee.
She walked in at 9:45 and her jaw dropped nearly to her ratty shoes: holy CRAP the new barista... Was... Gorgeous. And about her age, too! Annie pinched herself. She wasn't dreaming!

Annie walked up to the counter. Even her new interest in this barista couldn't stop her from muttering in a half asleep state-"can I just get a hugeass coffee? please?" The new barista's interest piqued. "Hugeass isn't a size. Venti okay? I'm new to the job, but I'm assuming that I get the gist of what you mean." Annie nodded, barely able to keep her head up. "I'm Annie, your future girlf-" SHIT. She didn't mean to say that, but it was too late now- her face turned red, like raw cranberries. The barista giggled and tried to recover for her . "What's your name? I'm Noppy." Annie looked shocked... That was such a cute name! She said so, and she then followed with a statement she regretted, so much-"how does it sound with my last name? Cauliflower?" The barista, Noppy, just smiled slyly.
"2 venti coffees, one with my number on the side!"
They blushed and parted. To meet again!
Annie took her coffee in hand. She felt all warm inside; this was her first positive social interaction in days. She knew if she went back that day, it wouldn't just be for the caffeine...

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