Chapter 17: Finally

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It was the last night of the training camp that really made hard for Puen to hide his feelings for Than.

Both coaches decided that the athletes had been working diligently enough for the past week, and allowed a small celebration with a bonfire. The men even let the boys over the legal age to have exactly one bottle of beer each, but if they noticed them sharing drinks with their younger teammates, they didn't say a word.

By the time the darkness has fallen everybody was in a great mood. The guys were joking, playing around and singing songs at the top of their lungs to the accompaniment of clapping hands. It was fun to see swimmers and volleyball players mingling freely, especially Kluay putting on a show with Note, like it was Lip Sync Battle: Outdoors Edition, not an impromptu karaoke. The sophomore seemed to get his groove back after their nighttime visit to the lake, and even if Puen would never admit it aloud, he was kind of relieved that the guy was out of the funk. Cocky Kluay was something he was used to, but the moping one freaked him out a bit. But as it was, most of Puen's attention was straying to someone else.

When he sat in a reclining chair at the beginning of the evening, with Than in a seat next to him, and looked past the fire crackling merrily, he saw the coach of the swim team with his spouse. They were so comfortable with each other, not bothering to hide loving gestures and sweet looks, it made Puen hope for the day when he could do the same with Than. When P'Apo casually rested his head on P'Waii's chest and the other man automatically put his arm around his husband, bringing him closer, the captain of the volleyball team experienced painful kind of longing.

And then he felt it.

Under the blanket that he put over his knees, there was a small movement and then warm fingertips touched his hand, lightly caressing it. Puen didn't hesitate for a second. He caught the wandering fingers and laced them with his own. He wasn't aware that was squeezing Than's hand too tightly, because the happiness that seized him made him not realize the force he was using. However, the boy didn't let this show on his face and, in fact, a slight smile was playing on his lips. When Than looked his way, his gaze soft and with open affection, it felt to Puen like a warm kiss that melted his anxiety and insecurities away.

The sounds of music and conversations around them became muted and sort of distant. Other people turned into nothing more than blurry shapes moving in slow motion on the peripheries of their vision. The only thing that remained was the bonfire, illuminating their faces, and casting a beautiful glow over them.

Puen loosened his grip on Than's hand. The road ahead was long and steeped in shadows, but there was no longer any doubt in his mind that they were on it together, wherever it may lead them.


Kluay was going back and forth on what the right course of action should be. His usual style would be act first and think second, but that has been proven to be slightly problematic at times, when it came to dealing with Achi. So instead of relying on big and splashy gestures, he might want to try a somewhat subtle approach. Which is why he's decided to try talking to the freshman at his new workplace, suspecting that Achi most probably wouldn't get mad at him in public. In the service industry the customer was always right, after all.

He thought he'd have to maim Than to tell him where he could find the boy, but the volleyball player unexpectedly volunteered this information a few days into the training camp. He must have looked really miserable if Than took pity on him, but he was not above turning this to his advantage.

And so he was here.

He parked his car one street away from Cafe'dotcom, and leisurely strolled into the place, hoping he'd run into Achi immediately and get down to business. No such luck. The café was packed and bustling, and he had to bribe some guy to leave the table to him. He barely sat down, when he glimpsed Achi behind the bar. He stood up, raised his hand and was about to summon him, when a petite girl moved into his sight of vision. She literally pushed the freshman through the door leading to the kitchen, and strode towards him in a purposeful manner.

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