Special Chapter 1: My Baby Just Cares For Me

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Even though it was the last of the year, Apo was busy writing reports on his students' progress and preparing individualized workout timetables for them. Everything had to submitted before January 1st, but it wasn't the main reason why he was in such a rush.

The previous day Waii's manager send him a detailed schedule of his husband's activities that included many appearances on various New Year's parties and events, as well as meeting prominent people, like the prime minister and the CEO of the GMM Grammy, and trying to score new sponsors. The men suspected that the swimmer didn't share any of this with his partner, and he wasn't wrong. When Apo saw that the schedule was jam-packed from 8 p.m. till the wee hours of the morning, he was determined to make sure Waii was everywhere he was supposed to be, even if that killed him.

He barely slept that night, because he working non-stop to be done with his own paperwork, so that he could take care of his husband's business. However, it wasn't easy when other members of the household were hell-bent on making his task as difficult as possible. The cats, that usually had to be bribed to play with them, apparently decided they were in a mood for some fun time with Apo's laptop. They kept on running around and, a result, distracting the man and making him mess up the reports. When they ran out of energy, they plopped right on the keyboard and didn't want to move, slowing down his progress.

His husband wasn't any better. The moment Apo asked him about the New Year's celebrations, he just shrugged and mumbled something intelligible. He knew that Waii didn't care much for the trappings of fame, like ad campaigns, endless photo shoots, mingling with countless influential donors and generally being social. Nonetheless, the coach was still disappointed that the man didn't put any effort in something which concerned his own career.

To Apo's irritation, his partner spend most of the day watching sports on a huge flat screen TV in a sitting room. Nevertheless, he couldn't stay mad for long when Waii sat behind him and started massaging his aching back and neck.

"Oh, that's goooood. Can you move your hand a bit lower?" He asked absentmindedly, while putting the finishing touches on the timetables.

He wasn't even aware that he was moaning in pleasure until Waii growled softly and nibbled on his neck. His skilful palms moved to Apo's abdomen, sneaked beneath the shirt and began kneading the muscles. That diverted the coach's attention from the monitor of the laptop at once.

"Wha... ahh...what are you...doing?" He panted a bit.

"Helping you relax. You seemed tense." Waii licked the shell of Apo's ear. "And you did ask me to move my hands lower."

"I really need to focus and complete this." The coach said honestly, so the swimmer halted the rubdown, but stayed in the same position, tightly hugging his husband.

Just as Apo announced that he submitted all the documents to the University system, the news flashed on the TV screen. Unsurprisingly, his own student was featured in yet another story. It was no wonder though, as Kluay was the son of a famous entrepreneur and a gifted athlete.

"...The two young men were seen leaving the exclusive restaurant. The witnesses confirmed that they were holding hands and acting generally close. Kluay Tanutchai Wijitwongthong, the heir to one of the largest fortunes in Thailand, refrained from making additional statements, after declaring two weeks ago that he was dating a fellow student of the Kasetsart University..." The journalist relayed the information.

"That's a the fifth report on them this week." Apo sighed. "Kluay is used to being in the public eye, but poor Achi must be terrified." His heart went out to the musician, who always looked uncomfortable whenever the cameras were around. He knew very well how that felt, because he went through the same thing a few years ago, when the press took notice of Waii's relationship with him.

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