Chapter 24: I Said I Loved You... But I Lied

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The newly crowned National Collegiate Champions have been celebrating in a bar for an hour already but, tried as he might, Than just couldn't get into the groove. Today was supposed to be the happiest moment of his life, and it was, for a few minutes. And then P'Singha appeared and... Well, that was the thing. He couldn't put a finger on how he felt, but this strange uneasiness grew as the evening progressed.

The three of them were seated next to each other, yet somehow Than had an impression that P' and his old friend were separated from the rest of the group, busy catching up on the recent events. Even though Puen kept his hand on Than's thigh and looked up from time to time to exchange a smile with him, nevertheless the boy felt excluded. Not on purpose, but because the other setter knew him longer, so of course it had to count. And he'd deal with that, but something was not right in his heart.

Obviously, he was worried that P'Singha would do something to hurt his P' again. Obviously, it was only that and nothing more.

"Than! Why so quiet? You're only first year with us and you're already a star." Kong exclaimed and pulled the freshman to his feet. "Let me kiss that cute face of yours. Puen won't mind this time." He winked at their leader and indeed planted two loud smooches on the boy's cheeks.

The whole room erupted in laughter and cat-calls as Than grimaced and feigned wiping his face.

"I think that as a senior I should be the first in line." Kawin pointed out, and only he knew how much it cost him to pretend he was merely joking. "But, since my Nong was stolen from me twice, I'm gonna have to be satisfied with singing a song with him." The older guy put an arm over his shoulder and steered him towards the small stage.

After that Than's good humor was slowly restored, but he still gazed wistfully in his boyfriend's direction once in a while. He wished the sophomore would join them in having silly fun, but he knew that it wasn't his style, and it would be rude to leave P'Singha alone, when he knew no one here.

Than sighed and eyed a row of shots that his teammates bought for him. He was going to be so wasted if he consumed them all. He couldn't say no, but on the other hand P' disliked excessive drinking.

"If the captain doesn't let you come back home, because he deems you too drunk, I'll take you with me." Kawin read his thoughts correctly. "Or should I sneakily help you drink them?"

"Really?" Than asked pleadingly, his eyes shining.

"You can rely on you P'." The senior patted the boy on the head, and gulped down the first glass in one go.

"What is happening here? Some cheating, I presume." Note plopped next to them and other players followed suit.

"Dear Nong, you wound us if you don't stick to tradition." Mek added, trying to maintain a serious expression. "You need to lick every last drop."

"Hoi, P!" Than pouted. "I –"

Whatever defense he wanted to use was forgotten momentarily, when he spotted his boyfriend chuckling at whatever his companion said.

He felt another pang in his heart, stronger than earlier, and this time he knew it was precisely because P' seemed too happy to be around his friend. The guy that used to be everything to him, whose sudden departure in high school left the sophomore reeling, the same one who had the power to devastate P' with just one word or action. Than never met P'Singha, but he'd always thought that the link the two guys shared wasn't ordinary. He was aware that they kept in contact, but it was easier to accept when they were on separate continents. However, now they were finally here, same time, same place, and he's seen their deep connection with his own eyes. Despite gripping the ring on his necklace for reassurance, the boy felt insignificant when compared to the other guy. It wasn't logical or sensible to think that way, but there it was.

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