Chapter 25: We Might As Well Be Strangers (What If...? Part 1)

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2015, Spring

Puen quickly scanned the paper that Singha clutched in his hand. It was an acceptance letter from St. Sebastian, their main rivals in the previous year's competition.

"Are you going to transfer?" He asked tightly, holding in his breath.

"It was a goal of mine for the longest time to go there," Singha admitted carefully, "but I'm not gonna leave my teammates behind." He decided then and there. "We started this together, we should finish this together."

"I knew I could count on you." The spiker smiled uneasily. He felt bad for suspecting, even for a moment, that his friend would abandon them. That was the first time he considered what would happen to him, if they ever parted ways. Could he ever live without a person that supported him, after being betrayed by people that should stand by him no matter what? He was so grateful that he would never have to find it out.

Singha smiled faintly in return. That was the hardest choice he had to make, because he equally hated the thought of disappointing his buddies and displeasing his family, but he guessed he could withstand the pressure of his father's wishes for a while longer. Time would come when he had to move to the States, but it didn't have to be tomorrow, or in a year, or even in five years. Puen needed him much more than his parents right now, and it felt good to mean so much to someone.

"Of course Singha wouldn't go anywhere. We made a promise, didn't we?" Leng reminded them as he took the letter and ripped it to pieces. "This year we'll learn from our mistakes and go straight to the top! This season our team is the best we could ever have, partly thanks to me." He added and his statement was met with snickers from the guys and Jern, the only girl in a group.

"How are our new members? Anyone stood out?" Nao, who was absent during tryouts, asked curiously.

"Not really." Puen shrugged. "It doesn't matter though. We're all set."

They were finally ready to win.


2015, Autumn

Achi was huddled on a shabby bed, in a dingy, tiny room he rented a few days after he had left his aunt's house for good. Despite telling himself every day, for the last couple of years, that he should grit his teeth and endure, he couldn't go on like this anymore. Always pretending that he wasn't hurting, that nothing could touch him, was beyond him, when he had to, once more, play the part of a perfect nephew. He was well aware that in reality he was too damaged to be helped, but at least he should live his life on his own terms. Therefore, one day he just packed his things and disappeared. He wasn't afraid that his aunt would look for him, because he sent her a note saying, that if she did that, he'd tell the whole world what kind of woman she was. Maybe nobody would believe him, but the rumors would linger and it was something the woman couldn't tolerate.

He stayed a week with Savika, his best friend, but his pride wouldn't let him move in with her permanently, even when her parents insisted that it'd be no trouble at all. Instead, he found a part-time job in shop and rented this place. Odious as it was, it was solely his, and right now that was the only thing that counted.

"When are you going to invite me to see your room?" Savika persisted over the phone.

"Soon." He replied evasively. "It's a... I haven't had time to clean it up yet." There was no way he'd let her in here, he'd rather die than have her pity him.

"Hmmm. Alright." She agreed easily. "Let me know if you need anything."

After a moment of silence she tentatively approached another sensitive subject.

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