PREFERENCE: where/how you met

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You and Scott met once Scott was signed with the World Wrestling Federation as Razor Ramon. You worked in WWF's costume department and you actually helped pick out the clothes that Scott wore in his Razor Ramon vignettes. On the first day of filming, you took the tacky Razor clothing to Scott with a smile on your face; as soon as Scott saw what he had to wear, he erupted into laughter. For a good fifteen minutes, you and Scott stood inside and talked about all of the different outfits that he would be wearing over the course of the Razor vignettes. There was something about Scott's charisma that had you drawn to him from the start, and as the day progressed, you found yourself growing rather smitten with the dark-haired male. When he invited you to dinner after work, you couldn't say 'no.'


You had been working at a diner near the arena where the World Wrestling Federation had been filming their programming, and before the show started, a group of rambunctious males wandered into your diner. By the way they carried themselves, you instantly wrote them off as a group of troublemakers that would undoubtedly make your life hell for a couple of hours. You took all of their orders and waited on their table during the time that they were there, and one thing that you noticed was that the biggest male in the group seemed to be the most level-headed of them all. The way he flirted with you was a bit more smooth than how his friends did it. On their way out, he told you that his name was Kevin and he asked if you'd be working when the show finished. You told him that you would, and you did, even though it meant you had to work three extra hours;  you had no guarantee he'd actually show, but you took the risk. Kevin's friends teased him, but sure enough, as soon as the show was done, Kevin came back to your diner.


You and Sean didn't necessarily have the most storybook meeting. You had been at the grocery store with your sister and while you tried to pick up the last case of beer that the small store had, you were intercepted by a clean-shaven male with dark, curly hair. Both of you had placed a hand on the handle of the six-pack, and for a few long moments, the two of you merely stared at one another. You could tell that when the male first turned to look at you, he had initially planned on snapping at you; but, he had been stunned by your beauty. Little did he know, you had been equally shaken by how handsome he was. Your sister told you to take the beer and run, so after you came back to your senses, you tried to do just that. However, the man (who introduced himself as Sean) wouldn't budge. After a few minutes of bartering, you ended up with the beer. The only condition? That you had to meet Sean the next day for a party at his place.


You met Paul after one of the many World Wrestling Federation house shows in the year of 1995. Hunter had rushed out of the arena after his match with Henry O. Godwin so that he could catch his breath and you had met him on his way out. Although Paul had smelled horribly of slop and sweat, the two of you got along very well. You didn't know the first thing about wrestling at the time, so once you saw Paul out on the street, you had rushed over to him. He explained his situation and his on-going feud with the pig farmer, and from the moment Paul opened his mouth, you were captivated by him. You and Paul wound up talking for a good half an hour, until his friend that he called 'Shawn' came and convinced him to go back inside. As Shawn pulled Paul away, Paul shouted for you to meet him back at that same spot in an hour. You did, and from that moment, a bond had been formed between you and Paul.


You hadn't been all that hopeful for your career in the World Wrestling Federation after a rough encounter with Vince at your first house show, but as you made your way to catering to cool off, you were approached by the Heartbreak Kid. Shawn had watched your match and heard your discussion with Vince (you scolded him for eavesdropping, but he didn't care about the little details). Although you were in a rather bad mood at the beginning of your conversation with Shawn, by the time the two of you parted ways, you were absolutely ecstatic. Shawn praised your in-ring abilities and assured you that things would get easier as more time passed. Had he been any less charming, you probably wouldn't have believed him. From that night on, you and Shawn made it a point to meet up after your matches to talk and get things off your chest.

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