PREFERENCE: when he's working

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During the busy WWF work days, you and Scott spent as much time as possible together. You spent most of your time working on costumes and attires while, the more popular Razor became, the more Scott had to handle. While you worked in your office and with other superstars, Scott would be off planning matches or talking to the higher ups. However, as soon as Scott was finished with all of his work each day, the two of you would end up skipping out of the arena together, much to Vince's chagrin. You would either grab a bite to eat or head straight on back to the hotel to spend some special time together.


Seeing as Kevin was on the road most of the time, it was hard for the two of you to find time to physically spend together. The more serious your relationship became, the more Kevin missed you as he traveled. Kevin would always make sure to call you whenever he had the chance to, even though the other Kliq boys would tease him for it; they'd call him soft, but he always got them back for it. You would always watch WWF's cable programing, even if meant you had to play it in the diner you worked at. Kevin would fly you out for the important pay-per-views, and the two of you would hang around backstage together on those days.


While on the road, Sean missed you more than he could ever properly explain. Each night when he went out to preform, he couldn't help but wish that your beautiful face was either in the audience or backstage watching him, cheering him on in person. He always kept a little picture of the two of you in his wallet, and whenever he was feeling down, he'd pull it out and look at it. Sean usually called you a couple of times a day, in the morning and evening, and the two of you would talk for as long as you possibly could. Sean really liked to pick little gifts up for you as he traveled, and it wasn't uncommon for you to open your mailbox and see a package from your boyfriend.


Whenever Paul had a free moment, he would call you from the arena or his hotel. Since the two of you got together, you had become extremely interested in the world of professional wrestling, so you asked Paul many different questions about what all he had done each day. There was a good period of time where you studied Paul's matches carefully during each and every show that you watched in an attempt to learn his moves. To keep you with him everywhere he went, Paul wore a silver ring that you gifted him at all times. He loved it not only because it mixed in well with his ring gear, but because you had given it to him on his birthday.


Although you and Shawn worked for the same company, the two of you never really had a chance to work together. You always had the same shows and events, but you never directly interacted with one another in the ring or in promos. During work hours, Shawn was usually busy with meeting or matches, but you were okay with that. Whenever he had a free moment, Shawn was attached to your side; he refused to part ways with you unless he absolutely had to. Shawn also had the tendency to come and cling to you after a match, even if he was drenched in sweat and you hadn't preformed yet. Thankfully, most of Shawn's matches took place after yours.

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