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Story Title: Unexplainable
Pairing: Scott Hall x Original Character x Kevin Nash
Author: BleachMyLife (Myself)
Length: On-Going (Exact number will be added once story is completed)
Updated: Every Monday and Friday

Summary: Starting in late 1996, we get to enjoy the journeys of Scott, Kevin, and a woman by the name of Jolene Milford as they live their lives as members of World Championship Wrestling. Jolene has friends-with-benefits relationships with both Scott and Kevin, but once emotions start to stir within the friends, everything goes haywire. It's a heartbreaking story of struggles, love, and triumph!

Personal Thoughts: I really don't want to push this on y'all too much, since it is something that I've written myself, haha. But, I feel like this story has helped me improve vastly as a writer, and I feel as though it is the best thing I've ever done. So, check it out if you feel so inclined! I'd appreciate it. Nearly every chapter (all except the first one) is 2,000+ words, though, so it might take you a while to read.

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