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Story Title: Appearances
Author: MilfordMemeSquad
Pairing: The main pairings are Kevin Nash x Original Character and Shawn Michaels x Original Character, but the story also features Sean Waltman x Original Character and Paul Levesque x Stephanie McMahon
Length: On-Going (Exact number will be added once story is completed)
Updated: Randomly

Summary: It's never a good idea to judge a book by its cover, which is something that one large group of friends soon find out once two of their own start falling for people who are seemingly complete opposites of them. Kevin Nash - a trucker - meets prostitute Jolene Milford one night and he's instantly captivated by her. When rich college student Katherine McMahon first lays eyes on Shawn Michaels, she has a hard time tearing her gaze away. The chaotic city that they live in holds many secrets, but so do the people within it. Appearances can be very deceiving.

Personal Thoughts: Ahh! Okay! So, Appearances is actually a story that Womens_Revolution and I are working on together, on our collab account which is listed above. This is a dark story that is set is an alternate universe where (almost) everyone's profession is based either on their character or their personality. Plus, it features the original characters from Womens_Revolution's Wonderland (Katherine McMahon) as well as my Unexplainable (Jolene Milford) and Time Heals (Cassidy Winters/DiBiase)!

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