ONESHOT: birthday shenanigans

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Title: Birthday Shenanigans
Pairings: Shawn Michaels x Katherine McMahon (Original Character) | Kevin Nash x Jolene Milford (Original Character)
POV: Third Person
A/N: Happy birthday, Mantha! I love ya, girl. I know I'm getting this up the day after your birthday, but I tried, haha! Enjoy some Shawtherine and Mash. ❤️ Womens_Revolution

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The most smug of smirks came onto Shawn's lips as he looked over his bedroom. There were rose petals and candles scattered all around, and the sheets Shawn normally kept on his bed had been replaced with ones that were made of silk. It was quite the romantic setting, and really, Shawn was proud of himself for it. He had worked hard to make sure that everything looked perfect for Katherine's birthday.

The long-haired male walked over to the nightstand and adjusted the stack of condoms that he had placed by the lamp. He wasn't sure how many of them he and his girlfriend would end up going through, but his expectations were high. Just thinking about how much fun he and Katherine would have brought a genuine smile to Shawn's face.

He truly did love his girl more than anything else in the world. She was something special.

Shawn had little more than entered his living room when he heard a knock at the front door. With a spring in his step, Shawn darted over to meet his gal. He hated that it was already nearly five in the evening on Katherine's big day and he hadn't seen her yet, but he understood that she needed to spend some time with her family.

Besides, if it had been Vince, Shawn probably would've tried to get Katherine out of it, but she was spending time with Stephanie and Shane. Shawn knew that Katherine loved her siblings dearly, and since she normally spent most of her time with him instead of them, he didn't want to complain too much.

You see, Shawn just really liked having Katherine at his side. He missed her a lot whenever she wasn't there.

As Shawn stood in front of his door, he cleared his throat loud enough that he could be heard from outside. "Who is it?" He asked in a sing-song voice. Shawn just knew the answer already, but he wanted to play around.

"Your best friends in the world, obviously!" The moment Scott's voice hit Shawn's ears, Shawn's mouth dropped. He realized then that he should've checked through the peephole first.

After shaking his head, Shawn opened his front door and stared at the group in complete shock. Scott, Sean, Paul, Kevin, and Jolene all stood on Shawn's porch with boxes upon boxes of gifts and party supplies. Shawn's eyes scanned over everything as his pals started to flood into the house.

Naturally, Jolene seemed to have taken control of the situation. She was looking all over Shawn's house and instructing the men to place certain boxes in certain places, obviously preparing for a big party. Shawn had to stop Kevin as he passed by.

"Kev, man, what are you guys doing here?" Shawn asked in a quiet, rushed tone. He didn't want Jolene to overhear and cause a scene.

"What, didn't Joli tell you?" When Shawn just stared back at Kevin with a dumbfounded expression, Kevin couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, of course she didn't." Kevin snickered. "Hey, babe!"

Jolene instantly turned around at Kevin's call. She gave her boyfriend a wide grin as she walked over to him and Shawn. "What's up?"

"I think you forgot to tell lover-boy over here that we were having a party here." Kevin told Jolene as he pointed at Shawn. A look of panic instantly came onto Jolene's face.

"No." She shook her head. "I didn't."

"Oh, you did!" Shawn interjected in a comically upset tone. "Jolene, you can't just plan parties at my house without letting me know!"

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