"Gerard, get in here!" Mikey yelled. Gerard stomped down the hall and followed the sound of Mikey's voice into his room.

Gerard slung the door open, starting his baby brother and their guest.

Gerard grinned at the startled boys in front of him.

"What was that for?" Mikey held his chest like he just had a heart attack.

"Well I was in the middle of doing my homework"

Mikey and Pete rolled their eyes. They knew he wasn't doing homework. He was probably in there reading a comic or something. Like seriously, who even does homework?

Gerard help up his hands in defense. Pete and Mickey broke into a fit of giggles.

They were 16 years old and giggling while Gerard was a composed 18 year old.

Gerard couldn't help it, he broke put in a fit of laughter.

The laughter slowly died down and they sat in a comfortable silence. "Seriously, what do you want?" Gerard asked.

"Oh! Wanna come to a party with us?" Pete asked.

A party? Gerard had never gone one in his life. Well that's because he was never invited to one. Gerard is the quiet kid that everyone pass' by but no one notices.

It was a one in a lifetime chance even though no one's going to realize he's there. There could be some hot guys that he could stare at from afar.


Mikey got up and grabbed Gee's arm, dragging him into the room that has a big G hanging on the door.

"Guys wait for me!" They heard Pete yell but chose to ignore him.

They heard running and then a loud crash followed by a loud girlish scream from the hall.

Pete walked in muttering some foul language and holding his head. Mikey gave him an amused look while continuing to look through his older brothers closet.

Mikey grabbed the tightest pair of black pants he could find and threw them at Gee.

He continued rummaging through his brothers clothes until he found a black misfits shirt.

"Put these on and a jacket".

Gerard took the clothes from the floor and shoved Pete and Mikey put into the hall. He grumbled while putting each piece of clothing on.

He laced up his Vans and put on his American Idiot jacket.

"Miley, you ready?" He called

"Fuhkin ready" he heard from down the hall.

Gerard checked his outfit out in the mirror. "Well I think I'm alright".

We all got into Pete's car and drove to the party.

Outside of the party, music was blaring through the speakers and already people some people passed out on the yard or else making out.

Ew. Heterosexuals

As soon as they walked inside, the strong smell of alcohol hit them.

Gerard groaned. "Who's even throwing this party?"

"Frank Iero of course"Mikey pointed to a short, heavily tattooed boy with black hair and a sliver nose and lip ring.

Just the sight of him made Gerard's mouth water. He had to find someway to get his attention even though that was damn near impossible.

Gerard didn't want to get drunk but he needed a little confidence booster.

He walked to the kitchen area where he spotted a half empty white vodka bottle along with other alcoholic beverages and some red plastic cups.

Gerard made his way through the horny teenagers. Ugh, teenagers. Teenagers scare the living shit out of Gee.

Gerard reached the counter and poured himself half a cup.

A hand clasped Gerard's shoulder, almost causing him to drop his drink. He spun around and was about to knock the hell out of whoever startled him but stopped immediatly.

Frank Iero stood in front of him. "How you liking the party?" Frank asked.

Gerard blushed and raised his cup to take a sip, trying to hide his red tinted cheeks.

The clear liquid burned as it made its way down his throat. It left a funny tingling sensation to his tongue but he didn't flinch.

Gerard nodded his head, "It's pretty good but crowded considering that this is my first party".

Frank's smile grew "I'm glad my party is your first, and yeah it can get pretty crowded but we can go outside if you want"

Gerard nodded quickly. He really wanted to get out of the house of hot hormonal teenagers.

Frank led them out into the backyard we're surprisingly, no one but them was out there.

Gerard sat his drink down, as well as Frank on a padio table. They both sat down in the two chairs. They gazed up at the stars.

"I have to say, this is the best party ever" Frank whispered.


"Because you're here"

It felt like Gerard's heart stopped. He would have never guessed that that would have been the response.

Gerard turned to look at Frank, the younger was already starring.

"You've never even seen me" Gerard said faintly.

"Of course I have, you're in my math class and I see you in the hall".

"How would you notice me? No one ever notices me" Gerard shot back

"Because you're the only one I notice, how could I not? You're fucking hot"

Gerard's pretty sure he died in that moment.

Frank reached over and craddled Gerard's face.

Gerard wasn't going to back away. He will admit, he's liked Frank since Freshman year but he thought his crush on Frank was useless since he thought Frank would never like him back.

Now here he was, with Frank in front of him, confessing his crush on Gerard.

Gerard leaned forward and captured Frank's mouth with his. Frank's lips moved in sync with Gerard's as there mouths danced together in the night air.


For kitty, Yaoifordays

Stay alive, frens


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