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It's spoiler free, so I highly suggest to read below so as not to waste precious hours of your time!

The following book is being rebooted, and thus although it might be marked as completed and it's still being kept as published, it's really only a scam by the shameless author to pull in some extra views from gullible viewers such as y'all! However luckily for y'all, I'm here, and I'll explain stuff exactly as they are: Immortal Ascension Tower will be rebooted starting from September 30th 2017 as a book separate from this one (Although still on the same account as this one), while the old version won't be deleted but kept for "Memories' sake" and marked as "Immortal Ascension Tower - (Old)" (Like we all are just going to throw away a hundred thousand views just like that, lol).

After that, the author will be posting 10-15 chapters at the end of each month. Difference between the two versions ("Old" and "Rebooted") will be both many and few depending on the occasion, but the overall storyline and characters will be roughly the same with only a few exceptions (Which won't affect the direction of the old story by much). The content will increase drastically, as the author is hoping to double the number of chapters that are currently available and their content (Currently, the chapters are roughly 130, so that's a pretty bold claim... Let's wish him all good luck!). 

For faster releases, wuxianovels.com will have priority over IAT's chapters, and the author will be posting 1-5 of them there each weekend instead of 10-15 on here each month. This is as a way to thank the site for hosting our novels there! Thanks WN, you guys are great!

With that said, y'all readers who have come thus far have a few option available right now:

1) Keep reading regardless of this note, cuz you ain't one that is easily ordered around by others (Good luck with the awful grammar and plot holes, thanks for the extra views!)

2) Wait(If it's not time yet)/Go read (If it's past the above mentioned date) the rebooted version, cuz the author has improved greatly over the years and is now finally able to write something decent.

3) Just ignore this book, this account, and live your own life. If that's so, good luck to me finding better readers and shame on you, because I'M ACTUALLY THE AUTHOR AND THE NEW BOOK IS ACTUALLY AWSOME, MWAHAHAH!!!

Yup, I'm the author unfortunately. Good luck bearing with me if you choose to delve deeper into the rabbit's hole. Or at least, do refrain from shooting me on sight, as blood takes forever to wash off the wallpaper and carpet...


Please, do go ahead and read the rebooted version, I can guarantee I will be able to relieve some of your boredom! I'll be waiting for you guys there, the more, the better! 

See y'all there!

~ The Author, "Cookie".

(OLD/NOT CANON) Immortal Ascension TowerWhere stories live. Discover now