~Chapter 6~ Old Memories

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They strapped me in on the table and put a light over me before injecting me with some kind sleep agent,

"Don't worry, when you wake up, you'll feel like a whole new person" my father said to me as he hovered over me,

I noticed that the doctors had needles and knives on their tray, I started to get scared and tried to say something but I could only slightly nob before the sleep agent kicked in and I felt sleep engulf me. When I woke up, I was no longer on the table, I was instead in my room and on my bed. I tried sit up, but the pain of moving was so painful it was unbearable.

"Careful there Mark, you don't want to hurt yourself while you're still healing" father said to me as he looked at me from the doorway,

"What did they do to me?" I ask him,

"Well, we enhanced your powers, from now on you'll be a hundred times more powerful then you were before, of course your body will only allow ten percent of that power to show naturally. So it's your job to control that power and become as powerful as you are meant to be" he explained to me,

"So it's fake... it'll wear off then?" I asked confused,

"No Mark, it won't.... At least not for awhile" he responded,

"I don't want this... I don't want to be fake... I don't want to be in pain" I said to him scared,

"You don't have a choice... I'll give you today to rest, training starts again tomorrow." He said sternly before leaving me to my thoughts.


The training was hard, even harder then before, I was taught how to use my powers to kill, and how to move quickly and stealthily through unexpected situations. Father always told me to practice and when I didn't follow his command I was always severely punished. Mother always told him to go easy on me, sometimes he'll listen but sometimes he'll punish me even harder. I was always so stubborn, I liked to play around and have fun with my powers, but every time I did I was always whipped. By the time I was 16 I was so used to the pain it didn't even hurt anymore, and by that time I've already had my magic for 2 years but I would never use it. I was too afraid of what I would do if I let that darkness take over.


"I've told you this Mark, if you don't start using your magic, you'll suffer more then just whipping" father said to me sounding extremely annoyed,

"I'm not going to use it on people" I said as sternly as I could,

"You defy me again and you'll regret it! Now get out of my office" he yelled at me with anger in his voice,

I simply teleported myself to my room.

As soon as I got to my room I went into my bathroom and shut the door before curling up in a ball in the corner and sobbing.

"Will this torture ever end? Will I ever be free from this?" I asked myself quietly before continuing to sob.

"Maybe one day......"

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