~Chapter 17~ Deception and Lies

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I teleported myself to the ruins of the fallen castle, no one really bothered to do anything with this area after father was defeated since it was surrounded by dark energy. I walked into the forest that was right next to the ruins; I continued to do so until I reached an old cave. The entire cave was protected by blood magic an ancient and forgotten magic, even the strongest magic couldn't break it without my blood. I walked up to the rock and put my hand on it, for the first time in a really long time I let the darkness flow through me, giving me temporary use of dark magic. That was an old spell I learned from Aura when we were training, although I was warned that the more I do it, the more the darkness will take over. Using that dark magic I temporarily had, I shadowed jumped to inside the cave.

Time to find out what Tenebris wants.

I walked over to the somewhat broken computer system, but that was not what I was here for. Instead I turned over to an old filing cabinet, and opened it. I looked through all the names until I found what I was looking for, I opened the file and proceeded to read.



NAME: Tenebris

CREATOR: Amber Richards

KNOWN ELITE MEMBERS: Kjellberg, Morrison, Cryaotic, McLoughlin.

ORIGINS: Unknown.

PROPOSE: Unknown.

LOCATION: Unknown.


The creation of this group is suspected to have been created to stop the power of my empire from growing. Although little to no knowledge about the real purpose and members of this group is known. I believe that the creature residing inside Mark will be enough to stop what ever their plan is.


I looked over the file a few more times to make sure I read everything correctly. I went onto the computer system and searched up each elite member. After looking up the names and getting no where because of the limited information given, I decided to take a breather; which gave me time to think.

So father always knew... Then why did he seemed so surprised when I turned against him?

eçause ̀yòu ̧wer̛e in co̸ņtr̨ol M͘a̶rk~̸

~I ́a̧d̛ ǹo contro͘l͝ o̕v͝er̴ ͢w͡t hap̨end ͜t̴h͞at͡ ͟d̀ąy, ́ ̨ctl͏ly ҉a̵n͟tȩd́ ̷to st͝o͞p ͠it

~B͟u͡t n҉c̶e ͘y̸ou wil̨inl̀y ̴ga̡v͠ę ̨nt̴o͜ ̷h̡e̶ daknèss, ̕ýou ad ̀úle͜i͡gn͞ ̢t͟o͏ yoư ow͝e̵rs, j̸u҉s҉t̢ s ̢you ͟d͢o̕ n̶o͠w̡~

̸Fu͏l͘l ̢cǫnról...̶~͝

Then you've never had control.

~Wel... ҉N̛ot ̀w̨hen ͝yo͢u͝ w̨er̀e̡ ̢awak ͡nò~

That's why you're so feared... You had every night when I was under father's control to build up your reputation...

~We. ut ̵yes suppoe so̸.͘ ҉Athơu͘g̵h I w͝a͘sn't̀ h ne w̶h͟o ̕kil 000͘ ͞męn

Men who deserved it.

͢~̡W͜h͞a͏t͜ev̛e e͏às͡e̢s ̷you~

With that HE was gone. Dark magic did always tend to bring HIM back, always haunting me with my past. Doesn't matter now, I had light magic so I was in control, and he'll never wreak havoc ever again. Suddenly there was a beeping noise coming from the computers, I saw that Aura had set off her alarm in her office. I quickly closed everything down, took the file with me, and went to the entrance of the cave. Putting my hand on the rock once again and shadowing jumping out. The forest itself was also protected by blood magic, if anything father always loved his plants. I walked back to the ruins and almost immediately after I felt my powers again, but it was different this time. My light magic was back, and it felt as though nothing changed. I stabled myself, took a deep breathe and teleported into Aura's room.

I saw Aura on the floor unconscious, I quickly ran to her. I lightly shook her to wake her, after a few unsuccessful shakes she finally woke up. She put her hand to her head, trying to shake off what seemed like a headache.

"Amber..." she spook quietly.

"What happened?" I asked now extremely concerned, Aura hasn't said her sister's name in years.

Then. I felt it, time around us stopped, everything but us was frozen in time.

"I saw his memories Mark... He's part of Tenebris. And knowing my sister... Jack's in grave danger..." She said carefully choosing her words.

"What do you mean grave danger? If he's part of Tenebris, he should be fine, they'll protect him." I said now extremely worried and starting to get unstable again. Aura gave me a look silently telling me to calm down, I did so before she continued. "I looked into his memories, Mark. I saw that he had strong feelings for you. That kiss on the balcony you two shared also proves that you feel the same. Although he did kill me... He's broken... He trusts no one... He always seems to be at the wrong place in the wrong time."

"You died?" I asked confused since she was standing and talking right in front of me.

"Brought back to life by dark magic," She said as though it was an everyday thing.

"Then what do you want me to do about Jack?" I asked now getting back to Jack.

"Knowing them, they'll erase him from the school records and his entire existence. Which would mean my sister is most likely going to have a talk with him about his mission," she explained

"What do I have to do with any of that?" I asked clearly not seeing any connection.

"Mark. She's going to kill him. She's going to kill him for the magic he took from me. I want you to go and save him from her," she responded after putting a hand on my shoulder and holding me sternly.

I took a step back after hearing what she said...

She's going to kill him... She can't. Not now. I didn't get enough time with him.Why was I so selfish? I saw a broken man and I chose to ignore it. I let him slip between my fingers... I let him go, Not this time.

"I'll get the team ready" I said to her and turned around, before she put down her time field.

Not ever...

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