~Chapter 15~ Ambushed

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Today was finally tournament day, I couldn't wait to show everyone how much Jack has improved. We were standing outside on the streets in front of the apartment me and Jack lived in. It was early so we decided to walk to WinterCrest, now we were just waiting for the guys to show up. I looked over to Jack and it looked like he was extremely nervous.

"You okay Jack?" I asked him, gently placing my hand on his shoulder. He took a deep breath, before smiling at me

"Just nervous. What if I mess up. Or forget what I'm doing?" He asked still seeming extremely nervous.

"Don't worry. You'll do great," I said before turning to Bob and Wade and greeting them because they were finally here.

We started to make our way to the school when I suddenly hears someone yell duck. I looked over in that direction and I saw a truck flying right at us. Just then Jack used his telekinesis to stop it in mid air, but then the truck split in half by a wave of fire slightly pushing Jack back. I looked at the person who emerged and by the suit alone I could tell it was someone from Tenebris.

I rushed forward and tried to use my sound waves on the man, but he simply raised his and I could feel a sharp pain in my mind. I put my hands to my head and tried to get him out of my mind, he was trying to mess with my mind and I couldn't do anything. Everything around me was a blur, all I could hear was HIS voice.

Co̧m̴e͢ ́n Máŗ͘k͝~͡ ͟Let̛ ͝m͏è tae ̡o͝ver Ý̕ou ́k̀ow I ̵c͟an ́e͏nd̡ ͝this̨ ̴i̕n̴ secơns

NO! Not now, not ever. Never again...

D t Sho͝w͠ tm҉ ͢how ruthle̴s͡s ̧y͟o͏u͏ ̵càn be̸~̕ ͘Sh̡o͏w͜ them ̸you ̛trúe ̷pwe͠r̕~̕


c͝a̴n't͘ ͝protećt͡ ͞yur ̛f̨rinds ͡fr ̢in̢ ̵h͝eȩ~̛ But ͝I ̷cn do it̛ ̵o͡ưt ̛t̛ę~

I'd rather die, then let you out again.

Sưi̧t your̛slf͢~̶ I ou̡ ͠n͜ȩed̵ ͢m͟e̶ ͡yo̕u͏ ̸knw ̵w̴h̛a to o~

That was the last the I heard from HIM before my mind was hit with another wave of pain. I stumbled backwards and let out a growl.

"What did you do to my head?" I yelled at the man.

"I observed," He simply responded clearing having a voice masking system,

Jack stepped forward and hit the man with a wave of telekinesis, causing the man to get thrown into a nearby car. The man locked eyes with Jack and moments later his body started to shake in pain. I saw his legs give way as he fell to his hands and knees.

"You are weak," the man said darkly. "You all are."

I saw the man start to use dark magic just as Jack tried to stop him, next to us a building started to crumble. After the building completely crumbled another figure emerged from the wreckage. But there was something different about this one, he was a shadowed image of whoever was controlling him. A shadow welder...

They have someone so powerful that they're using a shadow welder.... How has Tenebris gotten so powerful? It's only been 5 years....

"The small one won't make it," the shadow welder said darkly. Jack looked at it with wide eyes before trying to scramble away, but since he probably used all his energy trying to stop that truck he couldn't get away in time. The shadow welder raised their hands and created a dark ring around Jack.

ca̷n̡ sve ̴hi͟m̡~

I ignored HIS voice and focused on where Jack was, moments later I saw that his body went limp. The shadow welder must have seen my face, because he gave me an evil smirk before growling out. "You're next,"

"You're all afraid. I love It." He continued to say.

Next thing I knew the shadow appeared in front of me and grabbed me by the next and shadow jumped us to the top of an apartment building and went right over the edge where he was flying right down with my head pointing towards the ground.

"Who... are.. You?" I barely gasped out as I was about to hit the ground.

"Your biggest threat," he said showing another evil smirk just as I hit the ground.

I was lucky I had magic, because that was the only reason I didn't die from the impact in the ground. I tried to use my powers but I couldn't use them, it was probably because of what ever the guy that attacked us first did.

I ̢t̡o̴l̢d yơ l̀et ͟m͘e͟ o͟u͡t


At̷ ͢le̕a͠st s y̧ou magi~

"Mark!" I heard Wade shout near me snapping me out of my own thoughts,

I looked over to see that the shadow welder had thrown a wave of shadow at Wade knocking the wind out of him and causing Wade's body to crumple to the ground. Bob was trying to wake Jack up, but if I know my spells right, Jack won't be able to wake up until someone with telepathy wakes him up. Moments after that I see Bob was thrown aside and when Bob tried to attack. His attack was jumbled by the shadow welder's magic.

I heard Bob let out a groan before I stumbled to my feet grabbed my shoulder in pain, I saw that Wade also climbing to his feet while grabbing his waist. I saw that it was not only 2 people that had attacked us, but it was four.

"Don't get in the way of our plans again," the shadow growled out, before shadow jumping him and his partners away.

I felt my powers return moments after and I walked over to Jack, and see his limp body. I gave him a sad smile he couldn't see and woke him up with my telepathy. Immediately after his eyes shot open, I tried to read his mind to see if he was ok, but he still did not let me in. Moments after he curled up in pain, I immediately grabbed him bridal style and made sure he was comfortable before teleporting him to the nurse.

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