~Chapter 19~ Secrets Revealed

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I woke up to a buzzing on my side. I checked my phone and saw it was Bob, I didn't even bother to answer it before teleporting back to the control room.

"Did you find anything?" I asked Bob as he formed his body from the electricity.

"Yes. When I was looking through the system I found something that seemed very interesting," Bob said after he fully formed himself and was now pulling up the blueprints to Crista Obumbratio, and WinterCrest.

"Our two schools, are exact replica of each other. Every single detail of the school except decorations put up are the same." Bob continued to say.

"Which means there's a tunnel that goes directly into the head office," I added.

"What? The blue prints never showed anything about a tunnel leading there," Bob confusingly said

"It was never put in the blueprints, Aura told me it was added so that it was could be an extra escape path," I explained

"How are you sure so sure?" Bob asked,

"I'm not, but it'll be the fastest way to get to him. So I have to take my chances," I replied.

"Alright, we'll try, But I'm going to make a back up plan just in case," Bob said to me after letting out a huge sigh.

Just like that he returned back into the computer, I teleported myself into the armoury to get my suit. It was all black and covered me completely starting from the neck down, it gave me heavy protection from attackers but it also let me be agile when needed. When I finished suiting up I went back to the control room, where Bob had our plan layout. Recently he invented a device that would be able to augment the directions and objectives of the mission into our vision. This made things go by much quicker then it getting explained to us before hand.

"I know you want to go in solo, but if anything happens I'm sending Wade and Tyler over," Bob said to me as I was attaching the device on.

"Nothing is going to happen," I said monotony before teleporting to outside the force field of  Crista Obumbratio.

"The shields are going to go down in 10 seconds, you only have a 2 second window to get through, so be ready," Bob said to me through my ear piece.

I waited for the 10 seconds to be over, and just like Bob said, it went down. I quickly teleported in, not taking any chances with running through.

Once I was through I got disconnected from Bob, there was nothing around but a giant field from what I could see, so I teleport to the nearby willow tree. The willow tree was where the tunnel from Aura's office lead too. I used my glasses to scan the area to find the hidden trap door. After a quick walk around the tree I found the door and opened it. I quickly went down and ran down the tunnel. When I finally made to the end to didn't waste anytime and just used my magic to blast the door open.

I walked through the door and I immediately heard a loud crash noise. I ran out of the room and went in the direction of the noise. When I got closer I decided to turn invisible so I could see what was going on.

To my horror I saw that Jack was on the floor unconscious looking like he was in immense pain and Amber put magic cuffs on him to hold him there.

Jack started to regain consciousness, he saw Amber and began to take, to my disbelieve she didn't try to hurt him she was just standing there and talking to him. I couldn't hear what they were saying since they weren't loud enough. I saw that Amber was slowly getting closer to Jack, so I turned my invisibility off and busted through the door.

I immediately went next to Jack to make sure he was okay, before standing in front of him to face Amber.

"I know why you want to kill him, Aura told me everything," I said to her as I raised my hands to show I was going to use my magic.

"Not everything," Amber replied looking at me completely unfazed.

"I bet she didn't tell you that I wasn't going to kill your lover. I was just going to weaken him enough so I could take the power he stole from her. I also bet she didn't tell you that I've never had control over dark magic. Can't say the same for her though..." she continued to say.

"Then why do you run a villain school?" I asked her in a confused tune.

"With darkness there must be light, with light there must be darkness, blah blah blah, you get where I'm going," She said now sounding completely disinterested in this conversation were having.

"You know what? I'm just so SICK and TIRED of every SINGLE PERSON blaming me for all the faults and praising my "angelic" older sister for all the good things that happen," Amber said now in a more angered tone and losing control of her magic as it started leaking out of her.

"You know what else! Aura, the person you look up to so much. Haha... She was the one who darkened your father's heart. All that torture and pain you felt because your father became a warlord. That, was all Aura~ You can thank her for killing your mother," she said now in a more sinister tone.

After hearing what I just heard I took a step back to process what she said.

No... That's not possible. How can she... She's lying, Sh-e

Before I could finish my thought I got thrown against the wall, I saw that Jack broke out of his cuffs and threw a shadow ball at Amber. With all this new information and the new feeling of betrayal, I lost control of myself and everything went black for me.

HE was in control now, I could feel him using magic to stop Amber and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Because of my state of anger, I just let whatever happened, happen. When I began to get my vision back I was outside the force field of Crista Obumbratio. Seeing how injured Jack was, I didn't want to risk teleporting back, just incase it could harm him more.

We walked in silence the entire journey back to the control centre. When we got back he gave me a hug and a quiet thank you before looking at me, I gave him a weak smile afraid that saying anything will ruin the moment. He then unexpectedly gave me a long kiss before pulling away for air. By now I could already see he was doing better. He had a look that said he was on the fence of something, before I could ask what was wrong he looked at me and said "I'm sorry" in an extremely sincere tone before shadow jumping to who knows where. I was in disbelief. I laid myself on the couch and feel asleep from both exhaustion and defeat.

Who would have known that someone could make me feel so much...

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