~Chapter 20~ Darkened with Light

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I was awaken by the sound of alarms going off, I immediately got up to check what the emergency was. I checked the monitors to see that it was nothing, the school was just having their mandatory evacuation drill. Although the school is more then shielded from outside harm. I closed my eye to take a deep breath before recalling what happened yesterday night.

Where'd Jack go? Why did he leave so quickly once we made it back here?

s ̕t͏h͠a͘t ̢relly t̢h͡e ques̵t͢in ͜y҉oų'̸ ͞s̷k͢ig ̧y̸ur̨s̷e͞l ̧r̕i͢g͡ht noẃ?

Ąe ̧yo̸ re̷a͝lly̨ ͏not go̶i̵ng ̶t̴ò c̵o͞n͞f͡r̡ont ͝Ar aou yo̧u͟r̴ ͝parn̨ts͘?͡

Why would you care? What, suddenly you have a hero complex of finding out what is right?

ar̸k..̛.͟ ̷W̨e̛'̕r̢e̡ ǫne in̸ the ̕s̛ame, ̢y̛ou nd ̛I.. I'̧m̨ ju̡s͢t ̶ever ad ̧t̛hough̛t̢ ̵y̷'̨ve ve̷r͠ ad, nothn m̀ore̸ ̷t̶h͞e a ̡suo̕n͝su͏s... ̛I͝t͠ ͢wa͞s̷ ́you ̨who ̷did ̶a͡ll ̢t͢h͝e e̕v̴il,͘ ̕I jus̸t g̸ve ͠yóu a̛ xcúse to o t̨..̨.

What? No... That's not possible... I'm good, I really AM!

No, ͠Ma҉r͏k͞.̛ Ýo̷u҉ ҉g̴ae ̴i̷n̴to dakne̵s͡s̡ ̢the momen your mòt͝h͡e̡r d͟i͏ed.̵ ҉Th ol r͘e̢a̡s͢on ͞y͏ou ͞ḩavn't́ ͡start͏ed o cha̛n͡g͝e,̢ ̴is̀ bec̀u̸s you d͏i͢d́n̛t ̶use ̨óu mag͟i͜c.́.̵.̷

And now with Jack...

Embràc ̀you tr͏ue s̴e͜lf Ma̷r̶k͞,͢ ain f̀u͏ll ́cntrol ̕aņḑ ake͝ ͏w҉h͠a̡tş r͏ightfu͘l͞l͞y͝ yous

Suddenly I started to feel a sharp pain in my head, I let out a scream before falling to the floor and clutching my head. He was trying to take over, he got me to doubt my own control so he could be in control. But I wasn't't going to let him.

You want me to embrace my true self? Fine.

From that moment on, I let the darkness in, I stopped trying to contain myself to the light and I embraced my true self. It only took moments before I felt HIS voice disappear from my mind. I was now truly in control, I looked in the mirror to see that my red hair had once again become raven black, and there was now a him of red in my eyes, I took off my glass not needing them anymore.

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