Chapter 10

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Raven stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. The date had ended an hour ago, she dropped Peter off and then was bombarded with questions from both May and Tony. Vision even asked her questions about what happened and how the date went when she got home. Peter answered them truthfully, Raven answered them vaguely and left it at that. But now she was staring at the black that was fading to purple.

She would have to redye it. Everyone would make fun of her for having purple hair. Then she remembered what Peter had told her. That's so cool. Maybe she wouldn't redye it, the students at this school seem more easygoing than the ones at the others. Would they even notice that her hair was a magenta color? Would they even care? Or would they think the magenta was a disguise for the raven hair instead of the reverse?

Two more thorough washes and the black color would wash away. One maybe if she didn't use the shampoo that kept it in longer and scrubbed her hair until her scalp bled. Crazy isn't it? How one boy turned the girl that never gave a shit into someone who smiles more and keeps her hair out of her eyes. How one guy can mean so much to the girl that has loved and lost countless amounts of times.

Smiling widely, Raven jumped into the shower. After washing her body, she scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed her hair until her hands and scalp ached. She stepped out of the shower and started drying herself, then her hair. Almost all of the black had come out. Some strips here and there, but it was mostly purple. 

Raven walked out of her bathroom in her pajamas and started for her room. She was too busy thinking about her hair that she didn't notice the grown man sitting on her bed in red and black spandex. It wasn't until she turned around from brushing her hair that she noticed him, causing her to jump in surprise.

"What the fuck Wade?!" She screamed. Wade smiled underneath the mask.

"I wanted to see how your date went." He stated like it was nothing. Raven's eyes were wide as she slowly approached the man.

"How do you know about that?" Wade turned to the imaginary camera.

"Should I tell her about the fourth wall?" Raven followed Wade's gaze but fell confused since there was nothing there. Wade shrugged and looked back to Raven. "I have my ways." Raven slowly sat down on her bed, sitting on Wade's right.

"It was good. . . great. . . amazing." Raven sighed in contentment. "He didn't care about how messed up my life is, he just kept listening. Even when I asked him about himself and his life he still managed to switch the subject back to me."

"Sounds like you enjoyed the date." Raven bit her lip as she smiled and nodded. "You take my advice?"

"No. He, um, Peter actually remembered." She whispered before shaking her head. "Doesn't matter, I'm glad he remembered." Wade giggled like a thirteen year old girl at a sleepover.

"Ravey's got a boyfriend! Ravey's got a boyfriend!" He cheered, jumping up and down on the bed. Raven rolled her eyes but kept smiling. The backboard slammed against the wall from Wade's constant bouncing.

"Hey, hey, chill out. Dad hates it when the backboard hits the wall." Wade pouted and crossed his arms over his chest but stopped. "But, yeah. I've got a boyfriend."

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy." Raven blushed, her hair fell into her face.

"Whatever." She murmured. "You had any luck in finding. . . Frank? Felix? Fred? Ferris?" Raven said the different names with a sly smirk.

"You mean Francis?!" Wade lit up when she switched the subject. "No, not yet. He's a sneaky little bastard, I'll give him that." Raven nodded a little.

"Hey, I technically don't have a team or alliance or something right now, so if you need my help with finding him I'll do my best with the stupid Accords." Wade pulled off the mask so Raven could see the smile.

"Really?" Raven nodded. Wade wrapped his arms around the fifteen year old and hugged her. "You're the best!" Raven giggled.

"I swear, you act more like a teenage girl than I." Wade rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

"You know you love me." Raven melted into the hug.

"I know I love you." Wade smiled into her hair, now realizing that it was more purple than normal. He pulled away.

"Dude! Your black melted!" Raven laughed.

"Yeah, that's what happens when I don't dye it again." She remarked.

"You're not going to?" She shook her head.

"Peter thought it was cool when I told him a month ago, Michelle thinks it's cool, Ned thinks it's cool. . ." Raven stared off and narrowed her eyes. "The only person I can think of that would think it's weird is Flash." She shook her head, freeing her mind from the thought. "But I can kick his ass." Wade watched as her expression changed. He wished he could go back to Vanessa. Raven saw how his expression changed as well. "I highly doubt Vanessa's gonna care."

"Yeah right, that asshole stole all my good looks." Raven rolled her eyes. "And now Colossus is up my ass trying to recruit me for the X-Men." Raven groaned.

"Not him! He's as much of a stick in the mud as Steve!" Raven dramatically fell backwards so her top half was against the bed. Wade followed. "I hated him when I lived there, he never let me have any fun. It was always 'You're going to hurt yourself, Raven!' or 'Getting enough sleep is important for a growing girl, mutant or not.' Saying I was excited to get outta that house is an understatement." Wade nodded. Raven frowned. "That might be why I hated Steve so much." Wade frowned too. "Among other reasons."

"You know what's weird?" Wade asked. Raven turned to face him. "All of the X-Men and I only ever see like two." Raven shrugged.

"It's always crowded when I visit. Maybe they just don't like you." Wade glared at her.

"Everyone loves me! I'm quite lovable." He exclaimed.

"Sure you are." Raven winked with a sly smile. Wade smiled.

"When do you visit?" He asked.

"I go and say hi every once in awhile. It really depends on when Logan's there or Kurt."

"Nightcrawler?" Raven nodded. "Why do you wanna see him?"

"He was nice to me when I lived there." Raven laughed through her nose as she thought about her adventures with the blue teleporter. "Actually, he's the one that taught me how to teleport." She stated.

"Shit on a stick, no way!" Raven laughed at Wade's expression.

"Yes way. Now it's getting late and I like to sleep. Not to mention that I have a metal arm in the lab that needs a hand and then an owner." Wade nodded as he got up and started leaving. He was almost out the door before he turned around to face her.

"When can I meet the lucky man that stole your heart?" Raven rolled her eyes as she propped herself up on her elbows.


"Sunday? Really, that soon? Wow Ray, you must really like the guy!" Before Raven could correct him, Wade ran out of her room and down the hall. Raven fell back down and shook her head as she stared up at the ceiling.

"Poor Peter. He's gotta be introduced to that."

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