Chapter 4

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Queens, New York.

Peter Parker walked out of an elevator holding a DVD-player and a rucksack on his shoulder. He walked into an apartment where his aunt May was sitting on the couch with Tony and Raven Stark.

"Hey, May." Peter greeted. Raven slightly smiled as she watched him enter the room. She was definitely crushing on this boy.

"Mmm. Hey. How was school today?" May asked.

"Okay. This crazy car parked outside. . ." Peter drifted off before seeing Tony and Raven, his eyes widened.

"Oh, Mr. Parker." Tony acknowledged. Raven's smile dropped.

"Um. . ." Peter took out his earbuds. "What- What are you doing. . .? Hey! Uh, I'm-I'm-I'm Peter."

"Tony." Tony introduced.

"What are. . . What are you - What are you - What are you doing here? And how do you know where I live?" Raven laughed a little at the boy's confusion.

"You somehow got my phone number." She remarked. Peter smiled faintly.

"Touché." A ghost of a smile made its way upon Raven's face.

"It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?" Tony stated. Peter looked over at Raven.

"Just go with it, it will make this all a lot easier." Raven telepathically told him. Peter tried not to nod.

"Yeah. Yeah." Peter agreed out loud.

"Right?" Tony asked again.

"Regarding the. . ." Peter prompted.

"You didn't tell me about the grant." May stated.

"About the grant." Peter repeated. Raven quietly laughed.

"The September Foundation." Tony reminded him.

"Right." Peter agreed.

"Yeah. Remember when you applied?" Peter looked at Raven again. Her eyes glowed slightly.

"Just say yes."

"Yeah." Peter agreed. Raven smirked, crossing her arms.

"I approved, so now we're in business." Tony informed the teen.

"You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now? Not to mention that you're now best friends with Raven Stark." May rambled. Peter raised an eyebrow at Raven. She shrugged.

"Well, we've only known each other for four days. He probably just wanted to see how long it would last. You know, I never stay in a school for longer than two months. I would hate to hurt Peter's feelings if I just up and leave one day. Though I have to say, these past four days have been the best of my life Mr. Parker." Peter smiled at her.

"Why, I just, I just. . . I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know. . . wh. . ." Peter tried on his own. Raven clasped her hands together, prompting him to continue. "Anyway, what did I apply for?" Peter asked, changing the subject.

"That's what I'm here to hash out." Tony told him.

"Okay. Hash, hash out, okay." Peter agreed.

"It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt." Tony remarked, glancing to May. Raven scrunched her nose.

"Dad." Raven complained. "Don't."

"Yeah, well, we come in all shapes and sizes, you know?" May continued though, ignoring the other teen in the room. Raven huffed.

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