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The sun shone brightly and high in the sky that day, the sky was the bluest Raven had ever seen it, and the grass was greener than green. The sparkling grey stones caught the sun which caused them to sparkle more. Everything looked so perfect.

A healthy purple colored head of hair walked into view that could only belong to a twenty-five year old Raven Elizabeth Will Braddock Stark, she had adopted Will instead of adding Wilson to her name about a month or two after he adopted her. She walked up to the headstones and set flowers in front of all of them. Perfect bouquets of yellow and white roses wrapped up in pretty light pink ribbon. Small bouquets, but it's the thought and colors that count.

Once she was done setting the flowers down, she took a step back and respectfully bowed her head before kneeling in front of one headstone. Coincidentally, Tony's was right in the middle even though he was the second one to be buried. There were no tears in Raven's eyes, though she did sport a bright smile.

"Hi dad." She began. "I hope you're proud of me. Peter and I got together ten years ago like you wanted us to." Raven snorted. "Actually, we got together while we were flying home the day of the battle, which has now been nicknamed the Infinity War. Well, I don't know what else to say about ten years ago." Raven bit her bottom lip a little. "I reprogrammed JARVIS back into the system the day-or really night-of the funeral. He's still alive an' kicking. Can an artificial intelligence be considered alive?" She laughed a little. "Doesn't matter, it's not important. Um. . . JARVIS started a team, all on his own. Our baby's growing up." Raven laughed again. "It consists of Wade, Peter, Scott, Bucky, Hope, Jennifer, Jane who can lift the hammer surprisingly, and me. We call ourselves the New Avengers as a tribute to you guys. We've saved the world a couple a times. Nothing major; no gods or murder bots but we still saved it. We even made sure that no one got hurt and I'm not saying that you haven't, I'm just saying-" She sighed. "-I'm just saying that even though the Accords got pulled we still made sure that they couldn't be set in place again. Oh yeah! The Accords got pulled after word got out you guys died; figured there was no point when everyone that was supposed to sign is dead. What else, what else, what else?" She mumbled. "I graduated high school with unbelievable grades. The Monday after you died I actually came out and told everyone who I was. Or was it the Tuesday after. . .?" Raven shook her head. "I don't know. Went to college on a business degree. Pepper took care of the company until I was twenty-one so I have it now. Everyone trusts me now, no one sees me as a baddie. Graduated again with flying colors. You're looking at the class valedictorian- er, you know what I mean. You would be looking at the class valedictorian but then again if you were you would already know that." Raven looked up from the ground to stare at the name on the headstone. "What I'm trying to do is tell you everything that you missed in the last ten years which isn't a lot but I figured I would tell you anyways because it's still important that you know. Oh! For a graduation present Peter popped the question. Um, I said yes. We're getting married. . . either the fifteenth or the twenty-second of July next year, we haven't settled on a date yet as you can tell but at least we know what month and year. And I'm rambling so I'm gonna shut up now." Raven closed her eyes for a minute. "I miss you and I wish you were still here but I understand that you can't be here and yeah. I'll always love dad. I just wish we had more time together, ya know?" Raven kissed her hand then grabbed the headstone as she stood up.

Raven then headed over to Steve's grave and knelt down.

"'Sup Cap? I'll make this somewhat short and sweet. Buck's doing great. He's known as a hero now which is awesome. I don't know if you heard or not but he's part of the New Avengers." Raven smiled. "He misses you, Steve. And I'm going to say your actual name because that's how important it is. Bucky is doing great as the new Captain America which I guess makes sense, he did teach you everything and all. But I'll save all the mushy gushy stuff for the two of you." Raven patted the headstone and turned to leave before pausing. She glanced back at the stone and sighed. "I guess now that you're dead I could tell you why I hated you so much." She took in a deep breath. "In everyone's eyes you were this perfect being that science created and mutants. . . Well, they were treated like shit. It wasn't fair that you were held up on this golden platter. And your whole 'self-righteousness' kinda irked me but whatever." Raven smiled. "I guess I can look past that."

She went over to Thor's next.

"Thunder Thighs, what's crackin'?!" Raven laughed a little. "You're not the only Thunder Thighs anymore. Your lovely Jane can lift the hammer now. Speaking of, she's doing well. Moved on but doing well. She got back with her ex. . . Donald Blake? I think that's what his name is." She shook her head. "I can't tell you anything about Loki, still hate the guy." Raven winked before leaving.

Wanda was the last on that side.

"Ms. Maximoff I have the pleasure of telling you that I am no longer considered a baddie. And you would be too if you were still alive." Her smile dipped slightly. "Miss you girlfriend. But I know you were going to join him ten years ago just to see Pietro again. I hope you two are running around together once more. Love you girlfriend."

On the other side of her father's grave was Bruce, Clint, and Natasha so she started with the scientist.

"Brucie, Brucie, Brucie, you've caused some trouble. Your cousin, Jennifer, couldn't control her powers because you died but she's got the lid on them now. She misses you deeply but won't admit it. Quite the stubborn gal if you ask me. But she means good and is quite the badass. I would be impressed if I were you." Raven patted the headstone.

Clint was second.

"Your wife was heartbroken but not as heartbroken as I thought she would be. I bet that after so long of her not knowing if you were going to make it home just led her to that state. She offered to take me in though which I thought was nice. Your kids miss you as well but they've done everything in their power to prove that you would be proud. And trust me, you would be." Raven half-smiled. "Nathaniel's grown up hearing stories about you, Bird Brain." She nodded slightly. "He would've loved you."

Natasha was the last one Raven rambled to.

"I've got nothing." She admitted before turning to walk away. She took two steps forward before turning around and walking back, a huge smile on her face. "Just kidding. Everything's good here. It would be better with you here but I understand that you can't be. I understand that all of you can't be here. You are missed though." Raven patted the headstone as someone walked into the graveyard.

"Raven! There you are! I thought you ran off on us!" Vanessa called as she came into the mutant's view. Wade and Raven had found her and apologized a year after the whole New Avengers thing formed. Vanessa was just happy that he finally came back to her. Raven laughed at how enthusiastic Vanessa was.

"I didn't run off." She looked around at all the graves. "Just doing something I should've done a long time ago."

"Gotcha. Well come on! It's game night." Raven laughed as she walked over to Vanessa. The two walked back to the back door of the tower. But before they walked back in, Raven turned to face the graves once again.

"Love you all." Raven and Vanessa walked back inside. White, foggy figures appeared above each grave. The middle figure was wiping tears out of his eyes as he watched the violet haired girl retreat back into the building. The female brunette was struggling to smile without crying, so was the dirty blonde. The two full blondes stared after her proudly, so did the scientist and redhead who were holding hands. They all turned to face the brunette in the center.

"She really loved you, Tony." Steve said as he clapped a hand on the inventor's shoulder. Tony took in deep breaths to stop himself from crying. "I'd be proud if I were you."

"Who says I'm not?" Tony countered, laughing slightly which caused more tears. "My baby girl grew up to be such an amazing young lady." Tony turned to Steve. "I just wish we had more time." Steve brought Tony in for a hug, the rest of the figures evaporating.

"We all do. But we'll see them again. Some sooner than others." Tony nodded and pulled away. Steve evaporated, leaving Tony staring after his daughter.

"I love you too, baby girl." He whispered before evaporating himself. Raven poked her head out a second later.

"Ray, what are you doing now?" Peter asked her, poking his head out too. Raven turned to look at him.

"I just. . . I just thought I saw something."

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