Chapter 14

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When the ship landed, everyone else did. Peter hopped off of Raven's back as she bent down to put Scott on the ground. Vision let Wanda down before the two walked over to the trio. The five started looking around, trying to figure out where they were.

"I have no clue." Raven finally admitted. "This is nothing I've ever seen."

"Aye, nothing in any of the nine realms look like this." Thor stated as he approached them. The teenagers looked over at him, awaiting for further explanation. "This is out of our galaxy."

"There is a reason on why we're called the Guardians of the Galaxy." Star-Lord said as he walked up to them. "C'mon, Gamora's looking for you guys." The group walked over to where the spaceship had landed. Everyone else was there too.

"What do we do now?" Tony asked. Gamora looked around.

"Thanos should've been here. I checked every calculation. . ." She drifted off before walking back into the ship.

"Maybe he's just trying to be fashionably late?" Peter suggested but no one heard. A loud rumbling noise behind them is what got everyone's attention. There was Thanos in all his glory. The infinity gauntlet was on but it was missing a stone; the stone in Vision's head.

"Fashionably late? I think not my dear spider." He told the teenager. Everyone was too stunned to say anything. Thanos approached Vision and plucked the stone right out of his forehead, putting it into the gauntlet without a care. The android fell limp against the side of the ship.

"VISION!" Everyone screamed once they snapped out of their trance. Wanda was closest to him so she checked to see if he was really dead. The tears that started streaming down her face gave away the answer.

"Thank you for bringing the last infinity stone with you. Though, not all of you needed to come." Wanda clenched her fists as she glared at the man who had just killed Vision. "You, Miss Maximoff, look a little ticked off. I hope this will lighten your mood." With a wave of the gauntlet, Pietro appeared. Wanda unclenched her fists and gasped.

"Wanda." Pietro breathed out. Wanda stood still, frozen in shock. Pietro ran over to Wanda but halfway there he seemed to fade away. Wanda looked over at Thanos, her expression clearly said she was upset.

"W-why did you take him away?" She blurted out.

"Because why would I give you something good without something in return?" Wanda looked between Thanos and the heroes. She was internally debating on which side to pick. "Come child, join me and you'll see your brother again." Wanda slowly approached the giant purple space dude. He smiled at her before snapping her neck. She stood still for a second before falling to the ground. Everyone took a step back. "I never said how." Thanos looked to his audience. "Let her be an example." Gamora stepped out of the ship and saw who was standing there.

"Father." She stated. Thanos looked to her and nodded a little.

"Gamora." She looked around and noticed Wanda and Vision's limp bodies. "Friends of yours?"

"More like colleagues." That's all she said before she lunged at him. Thanos simply side-stepped out of the way. The rest of the heroes quickly snapped out of their shocked states and readied their weapons. Thanos raised an army with a wave of his hand.

Silver Sorceress used her powers to create claws similar to Logan's. She started slashing at the skrulls Thanos had raised. Spider-Man started webbing them up; Iron Man was firing at them; Steve was throwing his shield; T'Challa was slicing at them too. Gamora and Star-Lord were the only people that were fighting Thanos.

Rhodey and Banner were tending to the wounded. Tony had put Rhodey on a semi-bed rest so he wasn't allowed to help that much and Banner didn't want a code green just yet. There weren't that many wounded yet, the battle had just begun, but they were prepping everything up in case someone were to get hurt. And knowing them, someone was bound to get injured.

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