kid! tails doll

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*the reader will be human in this one shot*


Its a nice friday night and you are spending the night at a friends house with 2 other friends, you and your friends did what regular girls/boys do at a sleepover nothing very special.
Your friend (f/n 1) had borrowed their brothers game console so you all can play some games most of the night.
You all brought some games and youve brought your favorite game.

sonic R

For some who dont know its a old sonic game which is just a pretty simple racing game. Theres this one character that is ONLY on that game and in no other sonic games. Tails doll.
You love tails doll, to you hes sorta like your child and you loved his theme song can 'you feel the sunshine'. Its so cute and catchy!

You begged your friends to play it but (f/n 3) didnt really want to, they've heard of the tails doll curse. To get the curse you have to beat the game using only the tails doll at least thats what you remember or you can just play can 'you feel the sunshine' backwards in a dark bathroom like bloody mary.

Everyone just called them a chicken and you all started to play sonic R 1st.
The game wasnt really that hard actually and when it was your turn to play you picked tails doll and started the race.

*time skip*

You all had a lot of fun playing games and eating pizza for supper. (F/n 1) parents have went to bed and the rest of the house is dark, (f/n 2) thought it was a good idea to 'summon the tails doll' in the bathroom and again (f/n 3) didnt like the idea.

After a bit of (f/n 2) convincing (f/n 3) to join us, you all go in the bathroom which is surprisingly pretty big and you turned off the lights. (F/n 1) played the music backwards on her phone and everyone just stood there in silence listening to the song, tbh it wasnt very plesent to hear it made your skin crawl and the echo of the bathroom wasnt very helpful.

The song was over and it all feel silent, you all waited for 30 seconds and (f/n 2) spoke "that was a waste of time" everyone but you agreed, you only rolled your eyes and stayed silent.
"Who wants ice cream?" (F/n 1) spoke up, everyone wanted ice cream so you all snuck in the kitchen trying not to wake up (f/n 1) parents and get some ice cream.

*time skip again*

5 am.

Everyone but you is asleep,
You are just laying there on a air mattress staring at the ceiling or well most likely the ceiling fan since its right above you.
You scanned the dark room looking... For anything or anyone.
You hear scratching and saw a faint red glow comming from your friends closet.

You slowly rose up and walked to the closet slowly opening it making it creak slightly. You saw a small tails doll sitting there hugging his kneese. You smile sweetly and picked him up, he had some blood on him already mustve gotten (f/n 1) parents already.

"Im still hungry" he whispered hugging you, his sweet (m/d).
You pat his head as his gem glows "dont worry.... (M/d) has more food for you right here" you said looking at your friends sleeping form.

They wont feel a thing when your son feeds on their souls and flesh... Its a shame they had to die this way since they are all your best friends but you had to take care of your son and be a good parent to him, Make sure he eats and stays healthy.

After all being a parent requires sacrifice.


*the next day*

"We are here at the home of (f/n 1 last name) where (all names of your friends and the parents) have been attacked and left to die-" you shut off the tv and got up from your seat. You had a long night and your very tired, you looked over to see your son asleep on the chair and you put a blanket over him.

You soon have to figure out who would be your sons next meal.

Your thoughts however was interupted by a ringing of a text message on your phone. It was actually one of your guy friends

"Hey (y/n) whats up?"

You smirk and text back

"Nothing really, hey i have this cool new game for us to play!"

baby/kid!creepypasta x parent reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now