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((Ok imma make this as clear as possible

I never read a single word from the creepypasta where candymare came from

I legit just saw a picture of her like 10 minutes ago and was like "i love her and i will make something for her even tho idk jack shit about her story"

And thats what i did lol 😂))

Note:the story will be based in the mlp universe. So you are a unicorn instead of a human

You can see nothing but trees outside as the only source of light was the full moon, nightmare night has begun as all the little foals dress up and wander around to visit strangers homes for candy.
You are but just a unicorn that lived far from the towns, you are not very fond of visitors, let alone fond of this holiday.
The reasons will become clear very soon...

You can faintly hear a door squeak open before you spoke, not bothering to turn towards the sound "candi. Go back to your room" you announced sternly, like a parent at the brink of scolding their child. There was silence before you hear the door shut, she had listened....
You shut the curtains with the blue glow of your horn,walked away from the window, and into the kitchen. A big cauldron boiled in center of the kitchen, the glowing green substance inside bubbles and pops from the scorching fire from underneath.

At 1st glance you may think that the smell from the unknown liquid in the pot would smell horrible, when in reality it smelt very pleasant. The smell from the pot and the natural cookie batter smell your house has, it can make anyone crave something sweet...
Making a wooden spoon float with your magic you slowly scooped up a bit of the boiling liquid and tasted it after cooling it down. It tasted sour, then sweet like a sour patch kid with a hint of peppermint, but something was missing... And you cant put a hoof on it even if you tried.

You was far to focused on preparing the boiling substance it was unnoticed that a pair of foals wandered up to your house made of gingerbread and sweets.
A little filly and a little colt.
The 2 foals stared in wonder at the giant house made of sugary sweets and cookie, all curtains was drawn and there was no sign of light through them. Either the curtains was to thick, or there was no one home.
"Should we take some?" The filly asked her brother "i don't think they will notice if we dont get anything from the front" the colt answered with confidence. They both nod to one another and wandered to the side of the house away from the front entrance and soon starts to slowly pick away the cookie and frosting from the wall.

The 2 children couldn't stop themselves, free candy and cookies was the best thing to happen to them. to any young child for that matter. They kept eating the wall untill they made a hole big enough for them both to crawl inside "lets go see if theres more!" The colt says enthusiastically, the filly grows uneasy instead of being excited for more candy "i dont know...this feels kinda wrong." She announced "its a big candy house i dont think anyone lives here" he answered before wandering inside, a chill goes down the fillies spine like something or someone was watching her "ok ok" she says before following her brother, not wanting to be alone.

Inside was dark and quiet, they can barely see anything inside "do you still have your flashlight?" The colt asked his sister "im looking for it" she answered, rummaging through her nearly empty bag and takes one out before she turns on the light.
The room was full of kids toys and furniture, the furniture was made of chocolate and the covers on the bed is made of crochet candy floss. "Someone definitely lives here" the filly glared at her brother "hey! You're the one who suggested to eat the wall!" The colt snapped back "lets go before the owner noticed we are here" the filly said before turning around and freezes in place, her light shinning on whatever is behind them making the colt turn around and freeze too.

Behind them was a single filly, she was very much taller then them yet still looks the same age as they are.
The earth pony that stands before them is a full candy amalgamation...
Her hair is made of red and black licorice, it was long enough it touches the very flat jawbreaker flooring she stands on. Ears made of ice cream cones and bits of cotton candy, parts of her made of white chocolate and pink bubblegum, one of her legs is made of peppermint candy, and much much more... She grins at them with sharp candy corn like teeth "hi there new friends" her voice sounds forced, like she has not spoken in years.

The 2 children screamed seeing something so scary, making the candy foal flinch back in surprise "dont scream! dont scream!" She begs them, startled by the unfamiliar sounds the 2 are making.

You dropped the spoon in surprise hearing screams and it certainly was not your daughter, you wasted no time before charging to your childs room and opened the door to see 2 strange foals screaming in fear at the sight of your child and a hole in your wall.
Before you can say anything the children was turning around to run out the door you was standing in and they screamed as well seeing you "ITS A WITCH AND A MONSTER" they both cried, making a attempt to run past your daughter and out the hole in the wall.
Once the 2 was successful they ran into the woods, never to be seen least by you.

You sighed and looked at your child, candi. She looks at you with soda tears in her eyes "am i" She asked you, ready to start sobbing any moment "no no... They just dont understand you candi" you walked over to give your daughter a hug "you are a special pony one has met before" you continued, your daughter silently cried "i just want some friends..." She said through hiccups "i know candi i know..."

You spent several minutes comforting your child before she stopped crying "maybe someday you will have all the friends you could ever want" you encouraged her "but for now...lets just have dinner and get some sleep ok? Maybe we will have better luck tomorrow..." You smiled down at her "ok (m/d)..." She nods her head.

You both wandered to the kitchen and eat that green substance that was once boiling in the cauldron for dinner, before you had to quickly fix the chewed through wall in your daughters room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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